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AQIGs operate as sub-groups of the Teaching Quality Committee and meet annually to consider AQIRs. The Electives Director will be asked to attend the AQIG meeting to present their report and following this meeting will have an opportunity to amend their AQIR prior to it being published on the 91  HYPERLINK "https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/professional-services/academic-registry/academic-quality/annual-quality-improvement-reports.cfm" intranet  HYPERLINK "https://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/professional-services/academic-registry/academic-quality/annual-quality-improvement-reports.cfm" here and considered by the relevant Course Management Committee. The AQIG meets and receives draft AQIRs with respect to considering the following terms of reference: i. identify any relevant comparisons within and between Courses of study; ii. identify any College-wide issues arising from the AQIRs; iii. alert the College as a whole to any obstacles which are preventing a course from achieving its objectives; iv. assure the College that the AQIRs have been given appropriate scrutiny. v. trigger an interim review of the course if it is felt to be underperforming. In addition to the Electives AQIR, the BVetMed Course Director is also asked to complete an AQIR to ensure that course-wide statistics, student survey data and external examiner reports have been reviewed with forward looking actions recorded as necessary. Once all AQIRs are finalised, the Academic Quality Manager and Chair of Teaching Quality Committee produce an Annual Summary of all AQIRs to cover the items i-v of the AQIGs terms of reference above, including items of concern, good practice, and actions going forward. This summary is considered by the Teaching Quality Committee; Learning Teaching and Assessment Committee; the Academic Board and 91 Council. For more information please see the Academic Quality procedure  HYPERLINK "/about/the-rvc/academic-quality-regulations-procedures/annual-quality-improvement-reporting-process" Annual Quality Improvement Reporting process or contact the Academic Quality team as  HYPERLINK "AQOfficerSE@rvc.ac.uk." AQOfficerSE@rvc.ac.uk.  COURSE REVIEW 1.1 Content/Format In particular, identify omissions/duplication, areas of content requiring more/less coverage or a change in emphasis  1.2 Teaching methods In particular, identify effectiveness of different methods, forms of teaching which might require more/less emphasis  1.3 Student attendance, interest, feedback  1.4 Staffing, staff development and training needs, resources Summarise changes proposed to staffing, staff development and training needs and other resources  1.5 Quality enhancement/Notable successes Things that worked well and examples of good practice which can be disseminated in the College   Opportunities for inter-disciplinary teaching From 2023/24 Module and Strand Reviews will also include a section to highlight such opportunities  1.7 Any other issues Comment on any other issues or feedback   ACTION PLAN Ensure that for each action below, you clearly identify the topic under which the action lies and detail what evidence there is to support the action: Roll over outstanding actions from last years AQIR. Add a new row for any new actions resulting from section 1. Course Review. Topic (choose from list below) 1. Content/format 2. Teaching methods 3. Student attendance, interest and feedback 4. Staffing and resources 5. OtherDate action raisedAction Progress to dateResponsible person(s) role title and name Action Status (choose one from - In progress/ Completed)  REPORT SUBMISSION Electives Directors name Signature Required submission date - at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting of the associated Annual Quality Improvement GroupDate submitted:       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 ")*+3;<=>GHIKMNQTjnorį؂mmUOFFFFFFFFFFFFFh'hSu^J hSu^J.hSuh4qDCJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH (hSuCJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH (hCJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH .h'h.BCJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH (hU$CJOJQJ\]^JaJmH sH &h'hxCJOJQJ\]^JaJ&h'h.BCJOJQJ\]^JaJ&h'h|CJOJQJ\]^JaJ*+HI |\d$.&`#$/7$8$H$If^gdd$.&`#$/7$8$H$IfgdU$d$7$8$H$If^gdU$d$.&`#$/If^gdU$d$.&`#$/IfgdSu$da$gdSu$da$gdx   ! 3 9 R # g h { ̿~~~~pph'hX0J5PJ^Jh'hX5PJ^J jh'hX5PJU^Jh'h5PJ^Jh'hH5PJ^Jh'hQ5PJ^JhU$hU$B*^JphhSuB*^JphhU$hU$^J hU$^JhU$h*>Q^JhU$hSu^Jh'hSu^J,      # $ % & * - 7 < A B U [ \ d e v ɷɫ{{offffffffffffhSu5PJ^Jh'h5PJ^Jh'h5PJ^Jh'hH5PJ^Jh'hh5PJ^Jh'hX5PJ^Jh'hQ5PJ^J#h'hSa5>*B*PJ^Jph,jh'hSa5>*B*PJU^Jph jh'hX5PJU^Jh'hX0J5PJ^J&v { | 7 < B E M Q R S ] n o p q u v w z { ȸѪޚއykh9hSu5PJ\^Jh9hSu0J5\^J%jh9hSu5U\^Jjh9hSu5U\^Jh0hSu0J5\^JjhSu5U\^JhSu5\^JjhSu5U\^Jh9hSu5\^JhSu5PJ^Jh9hSu5PJ^J*  5=LR\`ghlm5=ELR\`fgnнh'hH^J%h'hHB*PJ^JnH phtH hhH5PJ^JhSuB*PJ^JnH phtH %h'hHB*PJ^JnH phtH hB*PJ^JnH phtH %h9hSuB*PJ^JnH phtH h9hSu5PJ^J-hgqq($.&`#$/If]^gd($.&`#$/If]gd$.&`#$/If^gdd$.&`#$/7$8$H$If^gd' 77yd$.&`#$/7$8$H$If^7`ygd 67:<BQZ]`bo),4̷uudYh'h(FCJaJ h'hQCJOJQJ^JaJ h'hHCJOJQJ^JaJ h'hhCJOJQJ^JaJh+UCJOJQJ^JaJ"h+UCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hhCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH htCJOJQJ^JaJ%h'hQB*PJ^JnH phtH 45<`o{4EHRSX`bgrw4Xg{|ẺẺᯢ}}}}}}}hCJPJaJjhCJPJUaJhhCJPJaJh'hCJPJaJh'h(FCJaJ"h'CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h'hHCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  h'h(FCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ-|}~຺ti^^^SS^hU$CJ\^JaJhZCJ\^JaJh*CJ\^JaJhTeh*CJaJhTeh*CJPJ^JaJh(FCJPJ^JaJsHtHhhCJaJ!jyhCJPJUaJhCJPJaJhhCJPJaJhh0JCJPJaJjhCJPJUaJ!jhCJPJUaJ:555gd*kd$$Ifl&/'  t 6`. 0/'644 l` ap ytd$.&`#$/If^gdd$.&`#$/7$8$H$If^gd /0d$If^gdX' & F=d$If^=`gdu1 dgdr"Lgd* )/0124569<CDEOPTgu)6GHIJ̨̜wlw̜h hPJ^Jh h PJ^Jh h 5PJ\^Jh h PJ\^Jh hE6PJ\^Jh hX'5PJ^Jh hR 5PJ^Jh hw5PJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh hu1^Jh hu15^Jh hr"L^J)01Dxhhd$1$Ifgd d$1$@&Ifgd vkd$$Ifl4&(  0(4 la5f4p ytwd$IfgdFyqkd$$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytwHId$Ifgd d$@&Ifgd akdH$$Ifl&(0(4 la5ytwIJKLd$Ifgd.Hqkd$$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytwJKLMNPQdrwxyz{|}~ !"%KǻDzǦznbh h=a05PJ^Jh hR 5PJ^Jh h|9PJ^Jh+UPJ\^Jh hPJ\^Jh h PJ\^Jh hE6PJ\^Jh+U5PJ^Jh hX'5PJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh h PJ^Jh hPJ^Jh h.HPJ^J$LMxy|d$Ifgd$d$@&Ifa$gd akd$$Ifl&(0(4 la5ytwyz{|d$Ifgd qkd $$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytw|}^! @ P !$`'d$1$Ifgd d$Ifgd d$@&Ifgd akd $$Ifl&(0(4 la5ytw d$IfgdFyqkdG $$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytw !Kyk]d$Ifgd d$Ifgd=a0$$ @ P !$`'d$1$Ifa$gd=a0akd $$Ifl&(0(4 la5ytwKTcr{$ABCDEFGHIJKP]^xȽ괴Ӵ|tih hU$PJ^Jh PJ^Jh hE6PJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh hU$5PJ^JhU$hU$PJ\^JhU$PJ\^JhU$5PJ^Jh hPJ^Jh htPJ^Jh h 5PJ^Jh h|9PJ^Jh h PJ^Jh h=a0PJ^J)d$IfgdFyqkd $$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytwBCtffd$IfgdU$ & F>d$If^>`gdU$qkd, $$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytwCDEFG~~~d$@&Ifgd qkd $$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytwGH]wwd$@&Ifgd=a0d$@&Ifgd hkd $$Ifl&(0(4 la5p ytU$d$IfgdFyqkd$$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytw &'./039eiwʷʷʠՠՁuuuh hPJ\^Jh h>5PJ^Jh h1PJ^JhSuPJ^Jh hPJ^Jh hH5PJ^Jh hPJ^JhtPJ^Jh hHPJ^Jh h5PJ^Jh hn^Jh h]PJ^Jh h PJ^J+0ezhVDD & Fd$Ifgd'hd$If^hgdt & Fd$IfgdH dgd\ dgd qkd$$Ifl&(  0(4 la5p ytw%?H[cttdddddddddd$1$Ifgdykdv$$Ifl0?  0644 lalp ytJd$If^gd' "$%&'(,?@ACGH[cjpt~ҴҚh hPJ^JsHh hPJ^Jht5B*PJ\^Jph#h h5B*PJ\^Jphh h15PJ^Jh h5PJ^Jh hPJ\^JhSuPJ\^Jh h1PJ\^J7tFfd$Ifgdd$1$Ifgd 3##d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl49ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678h hn^Jh h]^Jh hPJ^JsHh hPJ^JTd$1$Ifgd3##d$1$Ifgdkd~$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4yttd$1$Ifgd-d$1$IfgdkdU$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4p yttd$1$Ifgd-d$1$Ifgdkd9$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4p yttd$1$Ifgd-d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4p yttd$1$Ifgd3##d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt   d$1$Ifgd   3##d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4yttd$1$Ifgd3##d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4yttd$1$Ifgd3##d$1$Ifgdkd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt d$1$Ifgd !"#3##d$1$Ifgdkd]$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt#$%&'d$1$Ifgd'()*3##d$1$Ifgdkd4$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt*+,-.d$1$Ifgd./013##d$1$Ifgdkd $$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt12345d$1$Ifgd56783)) dgd\kd$$Ifl4ֈ !060?260644 lalf4ytt89KLMUV_`aefghijstuvwűŝʼnـwwcR>&hth-?J6CJ\^JaJmH sH  ht56CJ^JaJmH sH &h hI56CJ^JaJmH sH h h-?J^Jh h f^J&h h\56CJ^JaJmH sH &h hHsx56CJ^JaJmH sH &h h56CJ^JaJmH sH &h h'56CJ^JaJmH sH h h-?J5^J&h h-?J56CJ^JaJmH sH h hG-^J89KLMghii^ $Ifgd\rkd$$Ifl#5&  05&64 la5p ytt $Ifgd\$$Ifa$gd\ dgdOijtuvyncc $Ifgd\ $Ifgd\kdZ$$Ifl0 #J   05&64 la5p ytRvwyncXXX $Ifgd\ $Ifgd $Ifgd\kd $$Ifl0 #J   05&64 la5p ytR     "&'()*+,-.ĺ}yyy}p}yyyh>mHnHuhxjhxUh3Tjh3TUh hj~^Jh h-?J^Jh ht^J ht5^J h f5^Jh h[o'5^Jhr7h-?J5B*^Jphhr7hHB*\^Jphhr7hhB*\^Jphhr7htB*\^Jph*   *ytjhjhjhjhc$$a$ dgd\gdkd $$Ifl0 #J   05&64 la5p ytR *+,-.gd$21h:p. 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