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The written report consists of a study proposal addressing a specific research question that will be set at the beginning of the unit. Students will give a short oral presentation on their study proposals. Assignment 4 (ECCD): Group-written outbreak investigation report and multiple choice question examination. Assignment 5 (ASMVE): Written report. Analysis of one or two epidemiological datasets involving a multivariable analysis problem and spatial analysis. Assignment 6 (M&DID): Written report. Data analysis and modelling exercise. A research project report of not more than 5,000 words including appendices (but excluding references, tables, figures and bibliography). Project Oral examination. An oral exam of approximately 20 minutes based upon the project. 6. Marking Criteria: See Colleges marking scheme for 91 assessment Work marked at LSHTM shall be converted from grades to marks as follows: Grade: Mark: 5 85% 4 75% 3 65% 2 55% 1 45% 0 30% 7. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements Written Papers 30% Average of all In-course Assignments 35% Research Project 35% (90% written and 10% oral) Assignments or Project Work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason. 8. Requirements to Pass Overall To have achieved an average mark of 50% in the written papers, the in - course assessments and the research component (combined research project and oral presentation) and not less than 40% in either the written examination or the in-course assessment or the combined mark from the project and the oral examination Resit A candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right of re-sit as determined by the Board of Examiners. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 9. Consequences of Failure A candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right of re-sit as determined by the Board of Examiners. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 10. Classification and Awards: From the average mark taken from all of the components defined above. 75% or more at the first attempt Distinction 65-74% at the first attempt Merit 50-64% Pass 11. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number.12. Absence and Summative in-course assessment An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 13. Late submission of work Assignments or Project Work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason.      !,-.9:>̺vfV<hn<56OJQJ^Jh;56OJQJ^Jhn<h{n56OJQJ^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5CJ\^Jh{nh9g%5CJOJQJ^Jh{nhn<5CJOJQJ^Jhn<hn<CJ^Jhn<h{nCJ^J"hn<hn<5CJOJQJ\^Jh{nCJOJQJ^JhihCJOJQJ^Jhn<h{nOJQJ^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ^J!-.12VWX[f] $Ifgd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! $If^gd{n $Ifgd{ngd{n$a$gdn< [\sf *$If^*gd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts! $If^gd{n $Ifgd{nc ) * J K L M P R ƶƶtgZJƶh{nh{n5OJQJ\^Jh{nhn<OJQJ^Jh{nh;OJQJ^Jhn<5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{nOJQJ\^Jh{nhihOJQJ\^Jh{nhn<OJQJ\^Jhn<OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{nOJQJ^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ^Jhn<h{n6OJQJ\^Jh{nh9g%6OJQJ^JK L sj $Ifgdn< *$If^*gd{n $Ifgd{nvkdn$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!L M P Q R h i } ~m~aaS$<$Ifa$gd}s $$Ifa$gd}s$If^`gd{n $Ifgd{nxkd%$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!R f h i { | 6 \ o   " $ 8 E L M @ B O ɿɨwwj]jw]ww]h{nh}sOJQJ^Jh{nhK?OJQJ^Jh{nh9g%OJQJ^Jh{nh^YOJQJ^Jh{nhK~OJQJ^Jh^YOJQJ^JhK~OJQJ^Jhy;Dh9g%OJQJ^Jh9g%OJQJ^Jh1dh9g%5OJQJ^Jh;OJQJ\^Jh;h;OJQJ\^Jh;h{n5OJQJ\^J"} 5 6 \  9 C E xy $$Ifa$gd}s$k$If^ka$gd}s$k$If`ka$gd}s D Q T X Y Z 56wxyz}~ؽ안zjZJhl"h5OJQJ\^Jhl"h{n5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ^Jhn<h{nOJQJ^Jh;h{nOJQJ^Jh1dh9g%5OJQJ^Jhy;Dh9g%OJQJ^Jhy;Dh1dOJQJ^Jh1dh1d5OJQJ^Jh1dOJQJ^JhK~OJQJ^Jh9g%OJQJ^Jh}sOJQJ^Jyz}~ %.oofff $IfgdFp & F<<$IfgdFp $Ifgd{nvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layts!   &'/089ABJKQRSTUXӿzj]PCh{nhFpOJQJ^Jh{nhFpOJQJ^Jh{nh{nOJQJ^Jh{nh{n5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ\^Jhs!5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{nOJQJ^Jhl"hOJQJ\^JhGhFp^JmHsHh;y^JmHsHh;y^JmH sH hFphFp^JmH sH hGhFp^JhFphFpOJQJ^JhFpOJQJ^J.7@IRSTWXulllla <$IfgdFp $Ifgd{nxkd$$Ifl 0#"f064 layt P $Ifgd1d $IfgdFp riiii $IfgdU{kd`$$Ifl40#"f064 laf4yts! $Ifgd3 $IfgdFp Z`nopstƹrdrdrWG5"hn<h{n5CJOJQJ\^Jhn<h{nCJOJQJ\^Jhn<hFpOJQJ^Jh{nh P>*OJQJ^Jh{nh POJQJ^Jh{nhFpOJQJ^Jh{nhFp5OJQJ\^Jhn<hFp5OJQJ\^JhFp5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{nOJQJ^Jh{nhFpOJQJ\^Jh{nhFp6OJQJ]^Jh{nhFpOJQJ^Jh{nhbROJQJ\^JYZ`nopstofffZ $$Ifa$gd P $Ifgd{n{kd!$$Ifl40#"f064 laf4ytU $IfgdFp $$Ifa$gd P t]^d}KT²wiw\Nww>h{nh P6OJQJ]^Jh{nh P>*ϴ<h POJQJ^Jhn<h POJQJ\^Jh{nh POJQJ^Jh{nh POJQJ\^Jh{nh P5OJQJ\^Jhn<h P5OJQJ\^Jhn<h{n5OJQJ\^J"h Ph P5CJOJQJ\^Jh.5CJOJQJ^Jh Ph P5CJOJQJ^Jhn<h{nCJOJQJ^J9k}ttttittttt <$IfgdU $IfgdUvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layt P $$Ifa$gd P w $Ifgd P $IfgdUvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layt P  ]^ $IfgdUvkdP$$Ifl0#"f064 laytU ^_cd|}]w $Ifgd P $IfgdUvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layt PT\]^_`acdfgijmnŽh=jh=Uh;6sCJOJQJaJhs!hn<h POJQJ\^Jh{nh P5OJQJ\^Jh{nh POJQJ^J]^_`bcefhiklmngd(vkd$$Ifl0#"f064 layt P 21h:ps!. 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