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Award of Honours Honours points are awarded as follows: Distinction Merit Gateway Year 0 0 First Year BVetMed 8 4 Second year BVetMed 8 4 Graduate Entry year BVetMed 0 0 Third year BVetMed 4 2 Fourth year BVetMed 8 4 Finals rotations (Part 1) 0 0 Finals Core (Finals Part 2) 16 8 Finals Elective & Research 4 2 (Finals Part 3) A candidate who has undertaken the 5 year programme, or entered via the Gateway programme with 18 or more points shall be eligible for honours, provided that the criteria described in (iii) and (iv) are fulfilled A candidate who has undertaken the Accelerated or Combined Degree programmes with 12 or more points shall be eligible for honours, provided that the criteria described in (iii) and (iv) are fulfilled At least 10 points must be obtained from the Finals BVetMed Examinations (iv) The candidate has passed at the first attempt all BVetMed examinations up to year 4 and has not been required to defer Part 1 finals as a result of earlier failure.       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