
Department: Clinical Science and Services

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Veterinary Education team, teaching on the PGCert, PGDip and MSc in Veterinary Education and the Teaching and Learning In Higher Education (TLiHE) course. I am PGCert and PGDip Module Lead and TLiHE Course Lead.


I graduated with a BVSc from the University of Liverpool in 1997, and an MSc from John Moores University in 2001. I worked in first opinion practice for 11 years before returning to UoL as a researcher in veterinary education. I subsequently became Senior Lecturer in Digital Education and Innovation and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


My research interests are in Designing Undergraduate Reflective Portfolios, Suppporting Communities of Practice in an Online Environment and Peer Learning in Undergraduate and Postgraduate education.

Duret, D., Terron-Canedo, N., Hannigan, M., Senior, A. and Ormandy, E., 2022. Identifying the Barriers to Incorporating Reflective Practice into a Veterinary Curriculum. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 49(4), pp.454-461


Pontin, E, Hanna,J and Senior,A. 2020 Teaching tip- Piloting a Mindfulness-based Intervention to Veterinary Students., Journal of Medical Education 47(3) pp327-332.


Duret, D., Christley, R., Denny, P. and Senior, A., 2018. Collaborative learning with PeerWise. Research in Learning Technology26.


Senior, A and Pontin, E. 2017. Introducing a Mindfulness-based intervention to third year veterinary undergraduates. Conference presentation and panel discussion. RCVS Mind Matters Initiative Conference. University of Edinburgh.


Duret, D. and Senior, A., 2015. Comparative study of three different personal response systems with fourth-year undergraduate veterinary students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 42(2), pp.120-126.

Senior, A and Mossop L. 2008. Yes. No. Maybe? Should we assess reflection in portfolios? Conference workshop in ‘E-Portfolios, identity and personalised learning in healthcare education MEDEV conference. Newcastle University.

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