
Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences

Campus: Hawkshead

Research Groups: Sustainable Food Systems, IRLFS (Research Programme)

Clinical Groups: Farm Animal Health

Lecturer in Farm Animal Health and Production. Technical Director of Animal Health and Welfare Wales - Gwaredu BVD programme 

 I graduated from Edinburgh in 1999 and intercalated with a BSc in Veterinary Pathology in 1997.  I was in mixed practice in Scotland immediately following graduation but my interests started to tend towards the farming industry while I was practicing in Aberdeenshire. 

My  PhD involved examining the interaction of E. coli O157:H7 with the bovine rectal epithelium at the University of Edinburgh and at the Moredun research institute.  After this I locummed in a wide range of practices from small animal overnight emergency specialist facilities in Edinburgh, charity practices (PDSA) mixed and 100% large animal practices.  These were located from the North of Scotland to New South Wales in Australia and I learned things from each of these places that I use to this day!

My first role for the 91°µÍø was based in Wales at the W91°µÍø where  students gave advice on good management to farms all over wales from Angelsey to Gower under faculty guidance. 

Following the closure of the facility I have started working with the Welsh farming industry to eradicate BVD from Wales through Animal Health and Welfare Wales - Gwaredu BVD of which I am the Technical director. 

From 2014 to 2019 I serve as an officer of the Welsh Branch of the British Veterinary Association first as Junior vice president, then President and currently Senior Vice President.

 PATON, N. Gwaredu BVD — bovine viral diarrhoea eradication in Wales. Livestock, v. 23, n. 4, p. 168-172, 2018. 

Paton, N. (2013). "Cattle vaccination: decision making in herd health planning." In Practice 35(2): 77-84.

New course gives school students a
taste of life as a farm vet Veterinary Record 2012 171: 205

 Cameron, P., N. Paton, et al. (2012). "Verotoxin-2 Activates Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases in Bovine Adherent Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells." Journal of Comparative Pathology 147(1): 20-23

I cover a broad range of teaching on farm animal medicine but Iam most focussed on extensive animal production. I deliver lectures, Directed learning sessions and practical teaching to undergraduates. 

My clinical work is advising Animal Health and Welfare Wales on the eradication of disease from Wales. This is primarily around Bovine Viral Diarrhoea but Sheep Scab is also of interest following the submission to Welsh government of a eradication proposal. 

Once a year I host upto 28 delegates who have an interest in farm animal veterinary medicine.  This is held at Gelli Aur campus and invovlves farm visits, market visits, abattoir visits. 

By the end of this week I am confident that all delegates are fully aware of the career that they are considering embarking on. 

Further information at Welsh taster week 



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