Page 15 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024







Page 15 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 15



                   The first part of the study involved physical examinations   During analysis of the ear abnormality data, it became   Dental and ear disease
                   of 435 pedigree rabbits at BRC shows and studs to   clear that many findings relating to these abnormalities,   are both hidden diseases that
                   record possible dental and ear abnormalities in this   such as narrow ear canals or excess ear wax, were of   may be impossible to detect
                   population where breed and associated ear type and   unknown clinical relevance, and to-date, no research   without veterinary examination,
                   head shape could be confirmed. The final results are yet   has been conducted to see if rabbit welfare is affected
                   to be published, but early findings suggest the causes of   by them. The ACT has therefore funded follow-up   especially as rabbits are
                   dental disease are multifactorial and not based entirely   research to investigate whether such ear abnormalities   notorious for hiding any signs
                   on head shape or ear type. In contrast, ear disease was   are likely to be welfare reducing. The researchers   of illness. We are, therefore,
                   more prevalent in lop-eared rabbits, supporting some   will analyse the data already gathered from the first   working closely with the BRC,
                   previous evidence.                                research project alongside clinical records of rabbits   building on the project findings
                                                                     that have been treated for ear issues. The aim will be
                   The researchers also surveyed 104 BRC breeders and                                               to see how we can help
                   found that they recognised four common examples of   to identify which ear abnormalities are associated with   foster more regular veterinary
                   dental issues to be painful and reduce rabbits’ quality   pain or compromised welfare to help inform veterinary   examinations of breeders’
                   of life (overgrown incisors, overgrown cheek teeth,   diagnosis of ear disease, and recommendations can be   rabbits, and how to further
                   tooth root abscesses, and incisor malocclusion). The   made to breeders not to breed from rabbits displaying   promote a high fibre diet to aid
                   results of the dental examinations have been presented   these abnormalities.
                   at an animal welfare conference and results from the                                             dental health.
                   ear examinations presented at a veterinary conference                                            – Maria Jackson, Research Assistant and
                   in November 2024; both parts of the study have been                                              Registered Veterinary Nurse
                   submitted for publication.

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