Page 5 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
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I Accounting for 40% of all equine cancers, sarcoids new calving simulator comprising a full-size Hereford cow
must confess to feeling a bit of a fraud, writing
the introduction to this year’s review, when I’ve
are particularly common in greys, although all breeds
model and fully weighted calf. These simulators enable
only been in post since May. So much of what is
and ages of horse can be affected. They can be very
students to prepare well for real life situations in practice
highlighted is the result of many years of hard work
successful on its own. Electrochemotherapy involves
and determination by the 91°µÍø Animal Care Trust (ACT) difficult to treat, and where surgery is possible, it is rarely when they graduate.
home team, led by Professor Stephen May, and enabled the application of high-voltage electric pulses following BVetMed students must complete 26 weeks of extra-
by the generosity, energy and enthusiasm of our injection of the chemotherapeutic agent into the sarcoid, mural studies (EMS) during their course providing
supporters. However, I am more than proud to take up significantly increasing its cellular concentration and opportunities not only to develop knowledge and skills
the mantle from Stephen, acknowledging his vision and enhancing its effect. but also to help shape their future career paths. With
drive, thanking him for all he achieved, and committing travel and accommodation costs, EMS can prove to be
to do all I can to continue the great work of the ACT. Despite rabbits being the UK’s third most popular pet, expensive, resulting in students focussing on lower cost
funding for research can be hard to source. Recent studies options rather than those that may truly be of benefit
I have been struck particularly by the breadth of our work. suggested lop-eared rabbits may be predisposed to painful in informing their future. Our EMS+ scheme provides
It has been inspirational learning more about the clinical or debilitating ear and dental disease, with brachycephaly bursaries to enable students to undertake aspirational
projects to which we contribute, understanding the positive a further risk factor, although firm conclusions could not be and inspirational placements in the areas of veterinary
impact on both patients and their owners, as well as our drawn due to lack of necessary detail. The ACT has funded medicine of most interest to them.
students who can gain so much from direct involvement in work building on these observations in collaboration with
groundbreaking work. For example, the Royal Veterinary the British Rabbit Council (BRC), sending veterinary Of course, without our many supporters, we would have
College (91°µÍø) remains one of the few places in the world qualified research assistants to systematically assess little on which to report and to celebrate. Every mile
able to perform open heart surgery on cats and dogs. ear and dental health and facial length in rabbits of run or walked (on two legs or four), every raffle ticket
This year the ACT has continued supporting our world- representative lop- and erect-eared breeds at shows. The purchased, every leaf on our Memory Tree, every pound
leading cardiothoracic team, headed by Professor Dan findings will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication and donated is helping to improve the treatment and care of
Brockman. They helped fund a new heart bypass machine, used to assist the BRC to develop breeding strategies and animals through clinical practice, education and research.
a cutting-edge portable surgical ultrasound machine, and guidance to improve rabbit welfare. This year we focused on promoting legacy giving to our
new surgical loupes providing our surgeons with enhanced supporters and received a fantastic response. Legacies
views of the patient whilst also recording the procedure. It is vital that future veterinary graduates are given every bring in around 50% of our annual income and have
opportunity to acquire and improve clinical skills and an enormous impact on our work. So, on behalf of the
The ACT has funded state of the art electrochemotherapy experience during their studies. Over the years we have animals, and their grateful owners, I would like to thank
equipment for use in the treatment of sarcoids in equines. funded a number of clinical teaching aids, most recently a each and every one of you, from the bottom of my heart.