Page 5 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 5
President & Principal's Welcome
subsidiaries, as we develop the
Photo: Veterinary Record, Mark Thomas 12 months, environments in which we research, Contents
another edition
learn and provide care. Similarly,
the evolution of our approaches to
of Eclipse….
teaching new cohorts of students
and another
and the embracing of hybrid
exciting year on
which to report.
working arrangements in a post (ish)
Whatever your
connection to
stands still, whatever one’s role.
President & Principal’s
us and whatever pandemic era mean that nothing ever Graduation 2022 2
your interests, I know the pages And in the pages that follow, it is
that follow will have something for not the achievements, nor the new General News 6
everyone and that you will hopefully buildings, nor the activities that Clinical News 26
be informed, assured, entertained are important…. it is the narrative
and maybe even amused. that highlights the very human (or Research News 32
animal!) element of each and every
Recognising that the world can be account. Without our people, we Student News 36
cruel, hostile and an unforgiving are nothing and Eclipse is above all 91°µÍø Clothing and Gifts 44
place for many, we consider the story of our staff, students and
ourselves fortunate to be able to alumni and the life they bring to the 91°µÍø Honours 46
address our local challenges and 91°µÍø and beyond. Movers and Shakers 48
continue in our commitment to make
a good thing better in all aspects of Thank you for supporting us in our Classnotes 56
our mission. endeavours and for being partners Reunions 63
with us as we sit down to write the
The award of university status, next chapter in our remarkable history. Supporting the 91°µÍø 66
the achievement in the QS World
Rankings and the outcome of the With all best wishes Community 72
Teaching Excellence Framework In Memoriam 74
sit beside investments on both
campuses, as well as in our
Cover story: Read about the
remarkable Dr Gladys Kalema-
Zikusoka and her work with
gorillas on page 61.
Gorilla photos (including front cover):
Conservation Through Public Heath