Page 43 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 43 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 43



              Protecting your plate

              Jennifer Kennedy (Stanley). BVetMed 2004

             I                                    of veterinary science and public health   food inspectors on the inspection line
                am currently serving as a Veterinary
                                                                                     to ensure compliance with federal
                Medical Officer with the Food Safety
                                                  – and it offers a unique opportunity to
                                                  have an impact on a broad scale. We are
                                                                                     regulations and we work closely with
                and Inspection Service (FSIS) within
                the United States Department of
                                                                                     good understanding between industry
              Agriculture (USDA), a position I have   part of a team that helps ensure trust in   our assigned establishments to form a
                                                  the food supply and is on the frontline
              held for the past 14 years.         of preventing foodborne illnesses, by   and government.
                                                  combining veterinary expertise with
              Prior to my position with the USDA,                                    Lastly, we also have a role in the
              I was an associate small animal clinician   public health initiatives.   import and export of meat, poultry
              in the New York City area. I now live   Our job responsibilities are wide-ranging.   and egg products to ensure that only
              and work in the Catskills/Hudson Valley   One of our primary duties is to conduct   those products that conform to the
              region of New York State with my family.   antemortem and postmortem inspections   rules and regulations are permitted to
              I am writing this in my personal capacity   of meat and poultry products to ensure   come in or out of the country.
              and my viewpoints are not necessarily   that any sick or diseased live animals or   As noted previously, I started my career
              those of the USDA.                  carcasses are prohibited from entering   as a small animal practitioner. It was a
                                                  the food supply. This includes the
              The USDA’s mission is to provide    conduction of foreign animal, zoonotic   position that I enjoyed but I knew it wasn’t
              leadership in agriculture issues    and reportable disease surveillance   quite for me. Even when I was still a
              and areas with one of these areas   (often in conjunction with other   student, I always knew that I wanted to
              being food safety. FSIS is the agency   agencies within the USDA) as well as   do something a little different, I just
              within the USDA that handles this by   the monitoring of any emerging disease   wasn’t sure quite what! When presented
              administering the federal meat and   trends that may impact the food supply   with the opportunity to direct my
              poultry inspection programme and the   or public health.               veterinary career towards public health,
              egg products programme to assure                                       I jumped at the chance as I felt as though
              the safety, wholesomeness and truthful   We also have a duty to enforce   it was a way that I could utilise my training
              labelling of these products.        federal meat and poultry           in a unique, fulfilling and meaningful way.
                                                  inspection procedures, which –     I am very glad that I took the opportunity,
              So, where do veterinarians fit into   importantly – includes the monitoring   and it is my hope that other veterinarians
              this? A career like mine in the public   and enforcement of animal welfare   who are seeking a different direction with
              sector has a crucial role in safeguarding    laws and humane handling. We also   their careers do the same!
              human health through the intersection
                                                  have a role in supervising and assisting

                 Jennifer Kennedy (Stanley),
                 Veterinary Medical Officer with the
                 Food Safety and Inspection Service
                 (FSIS) within the United States
                 Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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