Page 18 - International 2025-26







Page 18 - International 2025-26
P. 18

4       C102                       4       D302                       4        C302
          YEARS     (C104)     CAMDEN       YEARS      (D304)    CAMDEN         YEARS      (C304)    CAMDEN
                 (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)             (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)               (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)

        MSci BIOLOGICAL                     MSci BIOVETERINARY  MSci BIOLOGICAL
        SCIENCES                            SCIENCES                            SCIENCES (WILDLIFE
                                                                                HEALTH SCIENCES)

        The MSci in Biological Sciences     The MSci in Bioveterinary Sciences   The MSci in Biological Sciences
        is an undergraduate integrated      is an undergraduate integrated      (Wildlife Health Sciences) is an
        master’s degree, the aim of which   master’s degree, the aim of which   undergraduate integrated master’s
        is to prepare you for a PhD or a    is to prepare you for a PhD or a    degree, the aim of which is to
        career in an academic or industrial   career in an academic or industrial   give you a thorough foundation
        research environment, where you     research environment, for example   in biosciences, with further
        will endeavour to make advances in   within the biotechnology or        specialisation into aspects of biology
        human and veterinary medicine.      pharmaceutical industries, and for   required by wild animal professionals.
                                            other biological, biomedicine and   This degree is delivered together with
        This programme allows you to discover and   veterinary-related careers.  the Zoological Society of London.
        explore all aspects of biological sciences.
        Modules are structured across the first   This programme focuses on developing your   In the first year, you will learn about normal
        three years of the course to build a broad   knowledge, analytical skills and practical   animal physiology including all major body
        base of knowledge, whilst also allowing the   skills. Modules are structured across the first   systems and biological processes. In the
        opportunity to specialise through optional   three years of the course to build a broad   second year, you will explore disease processes,
        module selections and your research projects   base of knowledge, whilst also allowing the   pathogen biology and an introduction to wild
        in your second and third year.      opportunity to specialise through optional   animal biology, as well as carrying out a short
                                            module selections and research projects in   wild animal biology focused research project.
        The fourth year involves an extensive and
        in-depth research project, together with   your second and third year.  In the third year, you will be able to choose the
        training in advanced research methods.   The fourth year, which comprises an in-depth   future direction of your course by following a
        This will build on your knowledge gained   research project, will build on your knowledge   programme of advanced study, chosen from
        from your first three years and develop your   gained from your first three years and develop   a range of optional modules. You will also
        scientific and transferable skills further,   your scientific and transferable skills further, making   carry out a longer wild animal biology research
        making you ‘work ready’ and able to realise   you ‘work ready’ and able to realise your full   project, supervised by a member of academic
        your full potential as soon as you embark on   potential as soon as you embark on your chosen   staff, during which you will continue to develop
        your chosen career path after graduating   career path after graduating from the course.  your practical, analytical and reasoning skills
        from the course.                                                        as well as communication, teamwork and
                                            The course will deliver the underpinning   professional development skills.
        The course will give you a clear and detailed   knowledge of animal health and disease, where
        understanding of underpinning physiology   you will gain a better understanding of current   In the third year you will be given in-depth
        and cellular and molecular biology, as well as   fundamental research questions in biology and   teaching about the health and welfare of wild
        an insight into disease mechanisms and an   applied biomedical and bioveterinary sciences,   animals, and your fourth year will be an extensive
        appreciation of comparative and integrated   and you will be exposed to cutting-edge fields   research project relevant to wildlife health and
        approaches to aid diagnosis and treatment in   of research in comparative physiology and   welfare, as well as receiving training in advanced
        the future.                         medicine, livestock production and health, and   research methodologies. The research projects
                                                                                in your second, third and fourth years are all
        You will have the option to undertake a   animal welfare science and ethics. The course   relevant to wild animal biology and this focus
        work placement year. You are responsible   is particularly suitable for those considering a   aims to make sure that you are ‘work ready’ for
        for finding your placement and we support   career in research.         a career in a wild animal biology setting, either
        you in this activity.               You will have the option to undertake a work   in an academic role or in industry.
                                            placement year. You are responsible for
                                            finding your placement and we support you    You will have the option to undertake a work
                                            in this activity.                   placement year. You are responsible for
                                                                                finding your placement and we support you
        18        CRITICAL-THINKING • PROBLEM-SOLVING • SCIENCE-SHAPING         in this activity.
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