
Some students studying at the 91°µÍø will need to buy essential uniform and equipment for their course. The items needed depend on the course and year and are listed below.

Students starting at the 91°µÍø can purchase these during Freshers week and items are also available for subsequent years and for additional purchases via the 91°µÍø Shop which offers an online service and will be opening a new retail outlet at the Hawkshead Campus in late 2024.

(note all prices are approximate, but any changes will be minimal)
BSc One onwards
  • 1 x white, long sleeved Howie lab coat


Nursing One

Term two, Jan 25 latest, ready for Placements:

  • 1 x 91°µÍø green striped tunic with student’s name
  • 1 x bottle green trousers
  • 1 x green striped dress  

Optional items – can be purchased from the 91°µÍø or elsewhere:

  • Thermometer
  • Fob Watch
  • Pick Pocket
  • Artery forceps
  • Dog lead



BVet Med
One and two

Needed in Year one, term one:

  • 2 x white, long sleeved Howie lab coats
  • 2 x embroidered boiler suit
  • 1 x parlour waterproof top - long sleeved
  • 1 x parlour waterproof top – short sleeved
  • 1 x parlour waterproof trousers
  • 1 x steel toe cap tall wellington boots (dark colours e.g navy, black, green, grey) – the 91°µÍø does not supply these. Students should source direct.

  • 91°µÍø polo shirts are optional but useful for AHEMS and later EMS/farm & equine rotations.






BVetMed Year 3 & BVSc

3 As above plus for years one and two:
  • 3 x purple scrub tops with student’s name
  • 1 x pale blue theatre scrubs

These items can be purchased from the 91°µÍø or elsewhere:

  • Thermometer
  • Stethoscope



BVetMed & BVSc Rotations

As above for years one, two and three plus:

These items can be purchased from the 91°µÍø or elsewhere. 

  • Scissors (specific type optional)
  • Artery forceps
  • Fob watch
  • Pick pocket (optional but useful)
  • Patella hammer (required for neuro rotation, otherwise optional, but useful)

91°µÍø Freecycle

Staff, students and friends of the 91°µÍø donate items to our Freecycle service which is available to staff and students. Based at Boltons Park Farm, open 9.30am to 4.30pm on weekdays, you can find a range of second-hand clothes, uniform, books, household items, stationery and much more. Please do visit and remember to donate any useful items you might have.

Students starting at the 91°µÍø who are interested in having free, second-hand items from Freecycle as well as/instead of purchasing new should complete  and return it by Friday 20th September.  We cannot promise to have what you might need, but if we will reserve what items we can for you and these will be ready for collection at Camden during Freshers.

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