
People: Rowena Packer, Dan O'Neill, Claire Brand, Kim Stevens, Bree Merritt

91°µÍø Pandemic Puppies logo

Dates: November 2020 - present

What is the 91°µÍø Pandemic Puppies study?

In 2020, we launched the 91°µÍø Pandemic Puppies (initially funded by the , AWF) to investigate how, why and by whom puppies were purchased during the COVID pandemic in the UK and to compare this with puppies purchased in 2019. We also investigated the early life of Pandemic Puppies, including their health and behaviour. That first survey was open from 10 November to 31 December 2020. 

Who was eligible to participate in the first survey? 

Dog owners who met ALL of the following four criteria:

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Resident in the United Kingdom.
  • Bought a puppy of any breed or crossbreed home aged under 16 weeks during 2019 or 2020.
  • Purchased a puppy from a private seller (i.e., did not breed them themselves, paid for the puppy AND did not obtain them from a formal rescue organisation, as we were interested in the process of buying a puppy).

What were the results of the first survey?

As a result of that initial survey, which attracted over 7545 responses, two peer-reviewed papers have been published. These papers are in an ‘open access journal’ so that everyone sharing information on their dogs, as well as the wider world, can access them for free.  

The first paper explores the behaviour and motivations of owners who bought a puppy during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, whilst the second paper examines the impact of the pandemic on the early lives of puppies purchased during 2020. We also produced infographics summarising some of the main findings from paper one and paper two

A copy of the two papers can be found via the links below.  

In addition, the data from the first survey was used to explore the behaviour and motivations of owners Purchasing Designer Crossbreeds such as Cockapoo and Cavapoo because we had noticed a significant increase in designer crossbreed ownership during the pandemic, from fewer than 1 in 5 puppies in 2019 being a designer crossbreed (18.8%), to more than 1 in 4 puppies in 2020 (26.1%). This highlighted a dramatic shift in demand towards designer crossbreeds in the UK population.  

The study on designer crossbreds was kindly funded by the  (UFAW) and was conducted by a veterinary student from Nottingham University, Miss Erin Burnett, on a summer placement with the 91°µÍø.  

The study found that the main drivers for acquiring a designer crossbreed puppy compared with a purebred puppy were perceptions that designer crossbreeds offered a bodysize suited to their owner’s lifestyle (74.8% vs 59.1% for purebred); were generally healthy (62.1% vs 42.3% for purebred); good with children (56.0% vs 42.5% for purebred); easy to train (54.3% vs 36.4% for purebred); and hypoallergenic (47.1% vs. 7.9% for purebred). 

A peer-reviewed paper resulting from this study was published in an open access journal in May 2022 and can be accessed via the link below, along with an infographic highlighting the main findings here.

Can I get involved in this research if I opted out?  

If you filled in any of our surveys and opted out of research, but would now like to opt back in, please email us on pandemicpuppies@rvc.ac.uk, and tell us whether you have a specific study you would like to be involved in or whether you are happy to be contacted about any of our future research plans.  

Who is co-ordinating all of this research?  

Dr. Rowena Packer, Lecturer in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science, and Dr. Dan O’Neill, 91°µÍø Associate Professor in Companion Animal Epidemiology are leading the project alongside project researcher Dr. Claire Brand, and their team of collaborators, including Dr. Zoe Belshaw, Dr. Fiona Dale, Dr. Camilla Pegram and Dr. Kim Stevens. We welcome collaboration/data access enquiries from interested postgraduate students from 91°µÍø and elsewhere, and currently host several MSc level students in our team.  

91°µÍø media coverage about Pandemic Puppies  

We had considerable coverage in the media about the survey and the initial findings including an interview on ITV news:

We have recently been approached by the BBC who wish to cover the results of our 21 month survey in a documentary about how the pandemic has affected dog ownership. This documentary will also cover the journeys owners and their pets have been on. We will be contacting all of the participants of the 21 month survey to ask for volunteers who may wish to be featured in this piece.

Pandemic Puppies 2020: A Longitudinal Study

Given the huge success of the Pandemic Puppies project and the ongoing commitment from our wonderful owners of these puppies, we have decided to turn the project into a long-term body of work. In January 2022, we launched a longitudinal study version of the original 2020 Pandemic Puppies cohort to follow the health, behaviour and welfare of these special dogs over time, generously funded by . This new work will additionally examine aspects of the dog-owner bond along with COVID-19 impacts to better understand any potential relinquishment risks for these dogs. It is hoped that this study will inform canine welfare professionals to better support owners of Pandemic Puppies to minimise any potential deficits the dogs may have experienced in early life.

Owners of Pandemic Puppies who consented to take part in further research (a total of 2345 participants) were contacted to fill in further surveys as their dogs reach 21, 24 and 27 months of age.

The 21 month time point closed to the last participant on 26th August 2022 (the 24 month time point closed on 26th November 2022, with the 27 month time point closing on 25th February 2023).

We are delighted that our paper on the behaviour of Pandemic Puppies, including owners use of training approaches and sources of advice for behaviour problems at 21 months has been published and can be accessed via the link below. In addition an infographic highlighting the main findings can be found here.

We are currently analysing the rest of the 21 month data and writing papers on:

  • The health of Pandemic Puppies and their owners’ access to/use of veterinary care at 21 months
  • The dog-owner bond of Pandemic Puppies at 21 months and risk factors for relinquishment

We plan to submit these papers by Spring 2024 to open access publications (where papers are free to access) and will keep you updated on the findings. All owners who indicated they would like to read the results of studies they participated in will be emailed papers directly.

We are also now tracking changes in the behaviour, health and dog-owner bond from 21 to 24 and 27 months of age and plan to publish a paper on our findings in Summer 2024, again in an open access publication.

Some data on the behaviour and dog-owner bond of Pandemic Puppies at 21 months of age has also been presented at a number of scientific conferences, including the UFAW International Conference, Edinburgh UK (28-29th June 2022), the 31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, July 7 - 9, 2022 and the 32nd International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, June 15 - 18, 2023.

Pandemic Puppies: The Cost-of-Living Crisis  

Given the recent dramatic rising costs of living in the UK and the potential for these to negatively affect the lives of our dogs, we are now aiming for Pandemic Puppies to help us all to understand a bit more about these issues. The focus of this latest study is to better understand and support the needs of dog owners are now dealing with the so-called “cost-of-living-crisis”. By taking part in this survey, charities such as Battersea and the veterinary community will have a better understanding of the unique experiences and challenges dog owners face, helping the canine sector shape their efforts to best help dogs and their owners navigating this challenging period.

To this end, we contacted our 2020 Pandemic Puppies owners who generously consented to take part in further research, with a unique survey link as their dogs turned 36 months of age. Data collection ended on 3rd January 2024 and is now being analysed.

Preliminary data relating to our findings on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on dog owners has been already been presented at the 31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, June 15 - 18, 2023.

UPDATED January 2024

91°µÍø Pandemic Puppies Next Generation logo

What is the 91°µÍø Pandemic Puppies: The Next Generation Survey 2021?

We will be investigating how, why and by whom puppies were purchased during 2021. We will also be investigating the early life of 2021 puppies, including their health and behaviour.

How is the study being done?

We are conducting an online survey with eligible dog owners (eligibility details below). The survey will remain open until 27th March 2022.

Why are we running this study?

We want to investigate the puppy buying process and early lives of puppies bought during the 2021 phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many decisions during the purchasing process and early puppyhood may influence future dog welfare. The information collected will help us provide support to owners regarding their dogs’ future welfare and will inform future educational messaging on how best to buy a puppy to promote dog welfare.

Who is co-ordinating this study?

Dr Rowena Packer, Lecturer in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science, and Dr Dan O’Neill, 91°µÍø Senior Lecturer in Companion Animal Epidemiology are leading the project alongside Dr Claire Brand, Dr. Zoe Belshaw, Dr Fiona Dale, Dr. Camilla Pegram and Dr Kim Stevens.

Who is eligible to participate in this study?

Dog owners who met ALL of the following four criteria:

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Resident in the United Kingdom.
  • Bought a puppy of any breed or crossbreed home aged under 16 weeks during 2021.
  • Purchased a puppy from a private seller (i.e., did not breed them themselves, paid for the puppy AND did not obtain them from a formal rescue organisation, as we are interested in the process of buying a puppy).

N.B. Even if you no longer own your puppy, we would still like to hear from you.

If you acquired more than one puppy during 2021, we ask that you answer for whichever is currently the youngest of these. If two puppies are the same age (e.g. littermates) then please answer for the puppy whose name comes first alphabetically.

We ask for only ONE response per household; the survey should ideally be completed by the person most involved in the purchasing decision.

How long does the survey take to complete?

Completion of the entire survey will take approximately 20 minutes of your time, but can contribute hugely to a lifetime of improved welfare for dogs in the future. If you do not have a full 20 minutes to spare, there is an option to complete a shorter set of questions which will take approximately 15 minutes.

When will the study results be published?

A peer-reviewed paper from this study will be submitted in Summer 2022, which will be published in an ‘open access journal’ (free for all to access) hopefully by Winter 2022. We will share the results of our study via the 91°µÍø website and social media channels. We will send a copy of the paper to all owners who indicated they would like this and provided a contact email address at the end of the survey.

Pandemic Palsthe impact of dog ownership upon the mental wellbeing of children during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

What is the Pandemic Pals study?  

This new research, generously funded by the , aims to better understand the relationship between dogs and their owners, focusing on the impact of dog ownership upon mental wellbeing amongst families who currently have children aged between 8-17 years inclusive living in the household.  This study will lead to a better understanding of children’s unique experiences and challenges during the pandemic, and how owning a dog impacted upon that, enabling organisations to provide better support for other households with children and dogs across the UK in the future.  

What does this study involve?   

We are conducting an online survey with eligible dog owners (eligibility details below). To take part, you and any eligible children in your household simply answer a series of questions online.  

You will answer an adult-specific survey and then depending on the number of children in your household that are eligible, a child-specific survey (one for each eligible child) will follow-on.

 How long does the survey take to complete and can I help my child/children take part?

The adult-specific survey will take no longer than 10 minutes and then a further 8 minutes per child.
The child-specific survey will take no longer than 15 minutes per child.

You are welcome to help your child/children with reading their survey, but we would ideally prefer that you let your child/children think about and provide their own answers to the questions for themselves - we really want to learn about their unique perspectives. 
We appreciate how valuable your time is and because of this, you will be able to fill in the survey over more than one session if needed. If you choose to take part, you will have until the 25th April 2023 in which to complete the whole study.

Who is eligible to take part in this study?  

Dog owners who meet ALL of the following five criteria:

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Resident in the United Kingdom.
  • Brought a dog of any breed or crossbreed home aged under 16 weeks between 1st January 2019-31st December 2021 (we are particularly keen to hear from owners of puppies acquired before the pandemic, i.e., acquired between 1st January 2019-22nd March 2020)
  • Purchased a dog from a private seller (i.e., you did not breed them yourself, you paid for your dog AND you did not obtain them from a formal rescue organisation), and
  • Currently the parent/caregiver of a child/children aged between 8-17 years inclusive.

If you acquired more than one dog during 2019-2021, we ask that you answer for whichever is currently the oldest of these. If two dogs are the same age (e.g., littermates) then please answer for the dog whose name comes first alphabetically.

Owners of puppies acquired in 2019, 2020 and 2021 who have previously taken part in our surveys, consented to take part in further research and indicated that they have children living in their household have already been contacted.

Take the survey:

The survey will remain open until  midnight 14th May 2023 

Who is co-ordinating this study?  

Dr. Rowena Packer, Dr. Dan O’Neill, Dr. Claire Brand and Dr. Zoe Belshaw.  

When will the study results be published?  

We plan to submit the findings in Autumn 2023 to an open access publication (where papers are free to access) and will keep you updated on the findings. All owners who indicate they would like to read the results of studies they participate in will be emailed the paper directly.

People: Sophie Lumsdon (MSc Clinical Animal Behaviour - University of Edinburgh) supervised by Dr Rowena Packer (91°µÍø), in collaboration with the Pandemic Puppies Research Team.  



The UK is reportedly a nation of dog lovers, with around 1 in 3 households owning a dog. Although dogs can bring great joy to many of our lives, owners may sometimes find the behaviours that their dogs’ exhibit to be challenging, a nuisance or even disruptive to their lives. We are interested in learning more about how dog owners in the UK have and/or would approach a range of dog behaviours, including if and where you would look for information and/or advice on how to address the problems that you perceive from these behaviours. The results of this study will hopefully help the veterinary and animal behaviour professions to better understand and support owners and their dogs when faced with behavioural issues.  

How are we carrying out this study?  

We have designed a survey to explore caregivers’ responses to a series of hypothetical scenarios (vignettes) representing commonly displayed behaviours by pet dogs. Owners’ decision-making in response to these scenarios will be explored, including owners’ perceptions of severity and if/where they would seek advice. Further questioning will explore potential factors that may be influencing owners’ decisions when deciding if/where to seek advice.  

Participants are eligible for inclusion if they are:

  • over 18 years of age;
  • resident in the UK;
  • currently own at least one dog of any type or age.  

Take part in this study!  

This study will be open from 1st March 2023 – 5th April 2023  

The survey will recruit participants from across the UK using a ‘snowball sampling’ approach – sharing our link widely across social media posts and in person via flyers with a QR code linking to the survey, as well as recontacting participants from previous Pandemic Puppy research projects who have opted into being informed about future studies.   If you meet the eligibility criteria above, please follow this link to complete the survey:  

If you have any further questions regarding this study, please contact Miss Sophie Lumsdon at s.lumsdon@sms.ed.ac.uk or Dr Rowena Packer and Dr Claire Brand at pandemicpuppies@rvc.ac.uk

Click on the links below to view Pandemic Puppies papers:

Click on the links below for newsletters with updates on the latest Pandemic Puppies news:

Pandemic Puppies Spring Newsletter 2023

Vet Compass Project Type: Dog, Pandemic Puppies

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