Dr Sarah Channon
Department: Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Campus: Camden
Research Groups: Pedagogy, Musculoskeletal Biology, CPCS (Research Programme)
Sarah is an Associate Professor in Veterinary Anatomy and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Teaching and Learning). Based at the Camden campus, she teaches anatomy and related subjects to students on several courses. Her research interests include functional comparative anatomy, locomotor biomechanics and pedagogy.
Sarah is a comparative anatomist with a BSc in Equine Science from the University of Bristol (2004) and a PhD in Locomotor Anatomy and Biomechanics from the 91°µÍø's Structure and Motion Laboratory (2007). Sarah's PhD focused on the locomotor anatomy and performance of animals with exceptional sprinting abilities - the hare and racing greyhound. Following this, she spent two and a half years at the University of Liverpool as a Lecturer in Veterinary Preclinical Science before returning to the 91°µÍø in her current role. Sarah holds an MSc in Veterinary Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Externally Sarah acts as an external examiner. She is a member of the Anatomical Society of GB and NI, where she serves as deputy chair of the Education Committee.
Sarah predominantly carries out educational research. Her pedagogical research interests include group and teamworking behaviours, and developing and evaluating anatomy teaching methods for optimal learning and enhancing non-knowledge based skills (e.g. spatial ability, palpation, communication). Sarah is interested in determining what relevant anatomical knowledge/ skillsets are required in the professional workplace and applying this to teaching practices. She is currently leading a Delphi approach to creating a clinically relevant anatomy curricula for Veterinary Medicine students.
Outside of the educational field, Sarah has interests in anatomical and biomechanics research. She is interested in 'unsteady' locomotion (for example acceleration, deceleration and turning) and also how the anatomy of the locomotor system can adapt to deal with loading (for example during growth or following a limb amputation.
E Gummery, M Singh, SB Channon (2024) Establishing a veterinary anatomy core syllabus through a modified Delphi process Journal of Anatomy 244 (1), 184-201
Channon, S (2023) Awareness of cadaver donation among dog owners can benefit veterinary education. The Veterinary Record 193 (9), 362-364
Previdelli, RL, Boardman, E, Frill, M, Frean, S, Channon, SB. (2023) Supporting collaborative dissection through the development of an online wiki positively impacts the learning of veterinary anatomy. Anat Sci Educ. 00: 1–14.
B Homfray, A Attwood, SB Channon. (2022) Anatomy in Practice: How Do Equine and Production Animal Veterinarians Apply Anatomy in Primary Care Settings? Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, e20220074
Wheble R, Channon SB. (2021) What Use is Anatomy in First Opinion Small Animal Veterinary Practice? A Qualitative Study. Anat Sci Educ. 14(4):440-451. doi: 10.1002/ase.1995.
Starke SD, Miles GC, Channon SB, May SA. (2021) Effect of gamified perceptual learning on visual detection and discrimination skills in equine gait assessment. Vet Rec. 188(10):e21. doi: 10.1002/vetr.21.
Channon, SB., Young, IS, Cordner, B., Swann, N. (2019) Ontogenetic scaling of pelvic limb muscles, tendons and locomotor economy in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Journal of Experimental Biology 3;222(Pt 17) doi: 10.1242/jeb.182741
Bostrom, A., Channon, S., Jokinen, T., Junilla, J., Hielm-Bjorkman, A., and Laitinen-Vaapavouri, O. 2019. Structural characteristics and predicted functional capacities of epaxial muscles in chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic dogs with and without suspected intervertebral disc herniation- a preliminary study. Research in Veterinary Science 123, 204-215
Bietzk E, Weller R, Simons V and Channon SB. Anatomy teaching, a “model” answer? Evaluating "Geoff", a painted anatomical horse, as a tool for enhancing topographical anatomy learning. Anatomical Sciences Education 12 (5), 529-540
S. B. Channon, R. C. Davis, N. T. Goode, S. A. May. What makes a ‘good group’? Exploring the characteristics and performance of undergraduate student groups. Epub ahead of print: 08 April 2016. () pp 1-25 DOI: 10.1007/s10459-016-9680-y
N. D. Lorenz, S. Channon, R. Pettitt, P. Smirthwaite, J. F. Innes. Ex vivo kinematic studies of a canine unlinked semi-constrained hybrid total elbow arthroplasty system. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT) Epub ahead of print: November 14, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.3415/VCOT-14-01-0002
J.M. Roach, T. Pfau, J. Bryars, V. Unt, S.B. Williams, R. Weller Sagittal distal limb kinematics inside the hoof capsule captured using high-speed fluoroscopy in walking and trotting horses. The Veterinary Journal 01/2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.06.014
Emma L Webster, Penny E Hudson, Sarah B Channon. Comparative functional anatomy of the epaxial musculature of dogs (Canis familiaris) bred for sprinting vs. fighting. Journal of Anatomy (2014); DOI: 10.1111/joa.12208
D Preece, SB Williams, R Lam, R Weller. 2013. “Let's Get Physical”: Advantages of a physical model over 3D computer models and textbooks in learning imaging anatomy. Anatomical sciences education 6 (4), 216-224
Hall, E., Davis, R., Weller, R., Powney, S., and Williams S.B. Doing Dissections Differently: A Structured, Peer Assisted Learning Approach to Maximizing Learning in Dissections. Anatomical Science Education. 2012.
Braid, F., Williams, S.B., Weller, R. Design and Validation of a Novel Learning Tool, the
‘‘Anato-Rug,’’ for Teaching Equine Topographical Anatomy. Anatomical Science Education. 2012. [E-pub ahead of print, DOI: 10.1002/ase.1295]
Harvey AM, Williams SB, Singer ER. The effect of lateral heel studs on the kinematics of the equine digit while cantering on grass. Vet J. 2011 Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:21752677
Waining M, Young IS, Williams SB. Evaluation of the status of canine hydrotherapy in the UK. Vet Rec. 2011 Apr 16;168(15):407. PMID:21493454
Williams SB, Tan H, Usherwood JR, Wilson AM. Pitch then power: limitations to acceleration in quadrupeds. Biol Lett. 2009 Oct 23;5(5):610-3. PMID:19553249
Williams SB, Usherwood JR, Jespers K, Channon AJ, Wilson AM. Exploring the mechanical basis for acceleration: pelvic limb locomotor function during accelerations in racing greyhounds (Canis familiaris). J Exp Biol. 2009 Feb;212(Pt 4):550-65. PMID:19181903
Williams SB, Wilson AM, Daynes J, Peckham K, Payne RC. Functional anatomy and muscle moment arms of the thoracic limb of an elite sprinting athlete: the racing greyhound (Canis familiaris). J Anat. 2008 Oct;213(4):373-82. PMID:19034998
Williams SB, Wilson AM, Rhodes L, Andrews J, Payne RC. Functional anatomy and muscle moment arms of the pelvic limb of an elite sprinting athlete: the racing greyhound (Canis familiaris). J Anat. 2008 Oct;213(4):361-72. PMID:18657259
Williams SB, Wilson AM, Payne RC. Functional specialisation of the thoracic limb of the hare (Lepus europeus). J Anat. 2007 Apr;210(4):491-505. PMID:17428206
Williams SB, Payne RC, Wilson AM. Functional specialisation of the pelvic limb of the hare (Lepus europeus). J Anat. 2007 Apr; 210(4):472-90. PMID:17362487
Usherwood JR, Williams SB, Wilson AM. Mechanics of dog walking compared with a passive, stiff-limbed, 4-bar linkage model, and their collisional implications. J Exp Biol. 2007 Feb;210(Pt 3):533-40. PMID:17234623
Recent Conference Papers
Channon S., Powney, S., Nicoll S., Bryant B., Wilson F. and Weller, R.2018. Virtual or physical? 2D or 3D? The impact of resource design on learning outcomes in veterinary anatomy and diagnostic imaging teaching. AMEE
Wheble, R and Channon SB. 2018. How do vets use anatomy in first opinion practice? Vet Ed 2018.
Channon S., Powney, S., Nicoll S., Crook A., Bryant B., Wilson F., Krajewska D., Dixon J and Weller, R. 2018. Equine Distal Limb Anatomy and Imaging: Creation and Evaluation of an Open Access Educational Resource. Vet Ed 2018.
Bietzk, E., Weller, R., Simons, V and Channon SB. Anatomy teaching, a “model” answer? 2018. Evaluating "Geoff", a painted anatomical horse, as a tool for enhancing topographical anatomy learning. Vet Ed 2018.
Channon, S. 2015. “Students as partners in anatomy teaching development”. Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society. [Keynote speaker].
Johnson, A and Channon, S.B. 2015. Do they snooze and lose? Development of a valid and reliable assessment for evaluation of anatomical knowledge loss/gain during a 5 year clinical undergraduate degree program. Winter Meeting of the Anatomical Society.
Sarah teaches anatomy and related subjects to BVetMed, BSc Bioveterinary Science, and Gateway Students. She co-leads the Locomotor strand (BVetMed) and is Co-Year Leader for the Graduate Accelerated BVetMed Year.
Sarah participates in a variety of outreach activities, including Summer Schools, Taster Days, as well as school visits and Equine Hospital client events.
Support Hub for Anatomy Research in Education (SHARE)
The SHARE research group is dedicated to the creation, development, and dissemination of novel and effective teaching and learning initiatives in Anatomy Education.