
The Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital (BSAH) is a state-of-the-art veterinary hospital in central London. It is a fully accredited veterinary hospital under the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons' Practice Standards Scheme. This recognises the high level of care and facilities offered.

Whether unwell or visiting for routine vaccinations and health checks, your pet's comfort is our priority from the moment you walk in. Our specially designed reception has separate designated waiting rooms for cats, dogs and exotics to ensure your pet can settle and relax before seeing the vet or nurse. All consulting rooms are air conditioned and fitted with hearing loops.

We have a dedicated consult room for cats and use calming pheromone diffusers in each room ( for cats &  for dogs).

State-of-the-art hospital wards

Should your pet need to be admitted to hospital, you can rest assured that they will be well cared for. Our dedicated ward vet is on hand to look after every hospitalised patient and our devoted team of ward nurses care for patients 24 hours a day.

Each ward is designed to minimise stress and maximise comfort. Cats, dogs and exotic pets are separated into their own specially equipped wards, and each pet has their own private space to rest and recuperate in.

To make your pet's stay with us as pleasant as possible, please use these hints and tips for owners:

  • Please provide details of any special food, bedding, or toileting needs for your pet
  • Please provide details of any special food, bedding, or toileting needs for your pet
  • Bring in a favourite toy or blanket for company
  • No muddy walks before surgeries
  • Please ensure you follow all pre-surgery instructions including fasting periods if required

Our Hospital has everything we need to provide the best care for your pet, you will not be asked to move pets to a different site for care unless they require treatment by a specialist.  

Dog ward at the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital
Our canine companions have spacious indoor kennels, with soft beds and individual kennel heating facilities. We also provide regular toilet breaks to our outdoor, all weather dog runs.
vet patting cat in kennel
Our feline-friendly ward is an especially calm and quiet space. Cats can enjoy classical music from the mezzanine floor in each enclosure. 
Bearded Dragon
We have a range of vivarium’s, larger kennels and birdhouses for our small mammal and exotic species ward and specially trained nurses to care for each pet.

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