Recent Papers and Current Projects
Recent Papers
Mahendran, S.A., Booth, R., Beekhuis, L., Manning, A., Blackmore, T., Vanhoudt, A., Bell, N. (2017) ‘Assessing the effects of weekly preweaning health scores on dairy calf mortality and productivity parameters: cohort study’, Veterinary Record, 181(8), 196–196.
Mahendran, S.A., Booth, R., Bell, N.J., Burge, M. (2017) ‘Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia’, Veterinary Record, 181(2), 45–45.
Manning, A., & McCrone, I. S. (2016). Use of conductivity and colour sensors in automatic milking systems to detect pathogen specific intramammary infection. Cattle Practice, 24(2).
Manning, A., Mahendran, S. A., & Bell, N. J. (2016). Evidence base behind foot trimming in UK dairy cattle. Livestock, 21(1).
Manning, A.D., Mahendran, S.A., Hurst, B.S., Blackmore, T.L., Bell, N.J. (2017) ‘Effect of a prewash on footbath contamination: A randomised control trial’, Veterinary Record, 180(5), 121.
Manning, A. D., Lindley, G., Green, M. J. (2018). Assessment of milk electrical conductivity as an alternative test in the decision making process when advising on selective approaches to dry cow therapy. Cattle Practice, in print Manning, A. (2018). Can negative energy balance in early lactation predict later disease? Cattle Practice, in print
Plate, P. (2018): 'On farm culture and selective treatment of clinical mastitis - a way forward?' Cattle Practice, submitted
Current Projects

Calf anaemia study
Jenny Allan and Peter Plate are carrying out a large study on the iron status of wholemilk-fed calves and the effect of iron supplementation on health and performance of calves.
Student projects
These include:
- work on the effect of early detection of calf pneumonia on growth rates
- the effect of bandaging in the treatment of digital dermatitis
- castration complications
- the effect of selective dry cow therapy.