
91°µÍø Small Animal Hospital Consultation Prices

Last updated 10th February 2025

Animal Owner/Client Emergency Vet Appointment Price

First opinion out of hours emergency consultationCost

First opinion out of hours emergency consultation (service for those veterinary practices where we cover their out of hours provision from when the practice closes in the evening, and on weekends and bank holidays)


Vet Referral Consultation Prices

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services (categorised below by selected departments)
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666399 (Non emergency option 2)


Referral Consultation by Appointment


Emergency Referral Consultation - Weekdays 0800 - 1900


Emergency Referral Consultation - Out of Hours

(Out of Hours, between 1900-0800 Monday-Thursday and 1900 Friday-0800 Monday and on Bank Holidays


Consultation Revisit

(appointment to recheck a previously diagnosed condition within the last 6 months)


(£180 for oncology)

Specialist-led Veterinary Orthopaedic Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Orthopaedic fixed prices

These fixed prices are for our most commonly requested services

If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

ProcedureWhat is includedFixed price*

Canine (dog) cruciate surgery <50kg

One of the following surgical procedures: TPLO (Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy), Closing Wedge, extracapsular suture, to stabilise the knee (hind limb joint) from a ruptured cruciate ligament

Consultation by appointment and orthopaedic assessment treadmill gait analysis, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), radiographs (pre and post operative), surgery and implants, hospitalisation (3 days) and analgesia


Basic limb dog/cat fracture repair <30kg

simple facture repair including transverse radius/ulna, tibia-fibular, using one plate, or pins/wire or those fractures involving growth plates

Consultation by appointment and orthopaedic assessment (in hours emergency Mon-Fri 8am-5pm), general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), radiographs (pre and immediate post operative), surgery and implants, up to 3 nights hospitalisation and analgesia for  up  to two weeks


*Fixed prices do not take into account emergency fees, complications, re-examinations, and follow-up X-rays (radiographs).

Specialist-led Veterinary Orthopaedic price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

ProcedureWhat is includedEstimate*

Total hip replacement (canine/dog)


Removal of the canine hip joint: acetabulum (hip socket)  and head of femur (top of thigh bone) and replacement with metallic implants

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), radiographs (pre and post operative), surgery and implants, hospitalisation (2 nights) and analgesia

£6500-7000 per side

Medial patella luxation (canine/dog)

 There are a variety of different procedures for this correction including tibial tuberosity transposition, implant placement, deepening the patellar groove. (This is not angular limb correction or distal femoral osteotomy.)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia(specialist led anaesthesia team), radiographs (pre and post operative), surgery and implants, hospitalisation (2 nights) and analgesia


Elbow CT (computer tomography) and arthroscopy (canine/dog)


CT is a type of diagnostic imaging, essentially slices of X-rays to build a 3-D picture, this can be used to identify any bony abnormalities associated with the joint. Arthroscopy (key hole surgery) allows direct visualisation of the joint and helps diagnose and treat a variety of conditions.

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), CT imaging and interpretation, arthroscopy, hospitalisation (2 nights) and analgesia

£4300-4800 this is for both elbows

*Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients of the range of costs for common procedures which our veterinary orthopaedic team performs.
These estimated fees do not include emergency fees, complications, re-examinations, and follow-up X-rays (radiographs). An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.

Specialist-led Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

Most other referral soft tissue surgeries (including hospitalisation, general anaesthesia, surgery and associated pre and post operative care) range from approximately £4000-6000.

ProcedureWhat is includedEstimate*

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS):
CT + BOAS surgery

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), airway assessment, CT and BOAS surgery, routine post operative care and pain relief


Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS):
Xrays + BOAS surgery

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), airway assessment, chest X-rays (radiographs) and BOAS surgery, routine post operative care and pain relief


Portosystemic shunt surgery Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), CT, surgery and routine post operative care and pain relief £6500 (extrahepatic)
£7000 (intrahepatic)
Placement of subcutaneous ureteral bypass system (SUB) See internal medicine prices See internal medicine prices
Laparoscopic (keyhole) neutering Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), laparoscopic surgery and post operative care and pain relief £1500

*Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients the range of costs for common procedures which our soft tissue surgery service performs. These fees do not include emergency fees or complications. An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.

Specialist-led Veterinary Internal Medicine Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Internal Medicine price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

ProcedureWhat is includedEstimate*

Minimally invasive cystotomy (including work-up and procedure)

Consultation by appointment, blood and urine tests, abdominal ultrasound (+/- retrograde urethrocystogram,) general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team) and surgery with cystoscopy and associated post operative hospitalisation


Subcutaneous Ureteric Bypass (SUB) Procedure – unilateral

Consultation by appointment, sedation ultrasound, general anaesthetic (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery for SUB placement (one side) and associated hospitalisation and medications (pain relief etc)

(range varies from stability of patients and monitoring and treatments required pre and post operatively)

Subcutaneous Ureteric Bypass (SUB) Procedure – bilateral Consultation by appointment, sedation ultrasound, general anaesthetic (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery for SUB placement (both sides) and associated hospitalisation and medications (pain relief etc) £12000

Subcutaneous Ureteric Bypass (SUB) re-examination and flush

Re-visit consultation, sedation and flushing of sub-ureteric device blood and urine testing


Radioactive iodine treatment (standard)

Consultation by appointment, blood test prior and following radioactive iodine treatment, and hospitalisation


Radioactive iodine treatment (carcinoma)

Consultation by appointment, blood test prior and following radioactive iodine treatment (higher dose), and hospitalisation

£ 4000
(increased length of hospitalisation and dose of drug)

Investigations into a chronic cough

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia(specialist led anaesthesia team), diagnostic imaging – CT, bronchoscopy, and associated blood tests and clinical pathology tests (BAL and culture)


Investigations into chronic vomiting and/or diarrhoea (without general anaesthesia nor endoscopy)

Consultation by appointment, blood and faecal tests, and abdominal ultrasound.


Investigations into chronic vomiting and/or diarrhoea (with general anaesthesia and endoscopy)

Consultation by appointment, blood and faecal tests and abdominal ultrasound. General anaesthetic (specialist led anaesthesia team) and endoscopy with biopsies and histopathology (interpretation of the biopsies)

(range for variation in size of patient, number of diagnostic tests and biopsies performed)

Hypophysectomy – including investigations and surgery

Consultation by appointment and investigations, pre-surgical work up (MRI) and post-surgical care


Ectopic ureter diagnosis and laser ablation (bilateral)

Consultation by appointment, blood and urine tests, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), abdominal ultrasound (occasionally a CT is required instead) cystoscopy and laser ablation

£ 5000-6500
(range is due to variation in patient size and depending on diagnostic imaging requirements)

Investigations into unstable diabetes mellitus

Consultation by appointment, blood and urine tests, abdominal imaging (ultrasound) Freestyle libre placement and interpretation

£2500 (starting from)

*Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients of the range of costs for common procedures which our veterinary internal medicine team performs.
These estimated fees do not include emergency fees or complications. An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.

Specialist-led Veterinary Oncology Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Oncology price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

ProcedureWhat is includedEstimate*

Staging with CT scan and cytology


Consultation and sedation for CT scan with sampling for FNA (fine needle aspirates) and interpretation


Staging with ultrasound and radiographs

Consultation and sedation for ultrasound and radiographs with sampling for FNA and interpretation


Restaging with CT scan 


Re-visit consultation and sedation for CT scan


Restaging with ultrasound and radiographs 


Re-visit consultation and sedation for ultrasound and radiographs


Lymph node mapping (with contrast-enhanced ultrasound) 


Consultation and sedation for ultrasound with sampling (FNA) and interpretation


Lymph node mapping (with CT lymphangiography)


Consultation and sedation for CT with sampling (FNA) and interpretation


Biopsy of lesion under sedation

Sedation and tissue sampling for histopathology and interpretation


Treatment with chemotherapy 


Day hospitalisation, intravenous catheter placement and chemotherapy administration

£350-900 (per visit) costs vary depending on the drug and the patient weight

Monitoring and treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors


Consultation, blood and urine tests

£400-600 per visit

Metronomic chemotherapy


Consultation, blood and urine tests

£300-400 per visit



Consultation, general anaesthetic (specialist led anaesthesia team), blood and urine tests, electrochemotherapy

£1200-1400 per session

Immunotherapy (melanoma Oncept® vaccine)


Consultation, x4 vaccines and administration


Surgical excision of mass


Consultation and general anaesthetic (specialist led anaesthesia team) and surgery with associated hospitalisation and pain relief.

£3500-5000 range

(Costs may vary depending on location of the mass and hospitalisation time)

*Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients the range of costs for common procedures which our oncology service performs. These fees do not include emergency fees or complications. An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.

Specialist-led Ophthalmology Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Ophthalmology price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)


Description of what is included


Cataract (dog/cat)



Cataract surgery (non-diabetic)

Consultation by appointment, ocular ultrasound, electroretinogram (ERG), surgery, hospitalisation (2 nights) blood glucose monitoring and medications during hospitalisation

One eye £4800-5200


Both eyes £5800-6200

Cataract surgery (diabetic)

Consultation by appointment, ocular ultrasound, electroretinogram (ERG), surgery, hospitalisation (2 nights) and medications during hospitalisation

One eye £4800-5200


Both eyes £6000-6500

Cataract (rabbit)



Cataract surgery (rabbit)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), ocular ultrasound, electroretinogram (ERG), surgery and medications during hospitalisation

One eye £1400-1800


Both eyes £1700-2000




Enucleation (eye removal dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery, hospitalisation for 1 night, analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

One eye £2800-3100






Medial canthoplasty (dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia, surgery, hospitalisation for 1night, analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

Both eyes £3000-3300

Corneal graft (dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery, hospitalisation (1 night) analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

One eye £3800-4200

Simple Eyelid surgery (dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery, hospitalisation (1 night) analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

Both eyes £3000-3500

Complex Eyelid surgery (dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery, hospitalisation (1 night) analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

Both eyes £3500-4000

Third eyelid surgery (prolapsed nictitating membrane gland, ‘cherry eye’ dog/cat)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery, hospitalisation (1 night) analgesia and medications during hospitalisation

Both eyes £3000-3500

* Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients the range of costs for common procedures which our Ophthalmology team performs. These fees do not include emergency fees, complications, re-examinations or long-term medications (written prescriptions). An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.


Specialist-led Veterinary Cardiology Referral Prices

Specialist-led Veterinary Cardiology price estimates

These pricing estimates are for our most commonly requested services
If you are a referring vet and require an estimate for a service/procedure not shown here, please email qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk or call 01707 666 399 (Non emergency option 2)

ProcedureWhat is includedEstimate*

Echocardiogram (dogs and cats)

Consultation by appointment and echocardiogram.



Puppy clinic examination (dogs < 2 years old with a heart murmur)

Consultation by appointment (specific days) and echocardiogram


Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) correction with Amplatz Canine Ductal Occluder (ACDO)

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia(specialist led anaesthesia team), surgery or minimally invasive use of ACDO and routine post operative care and pain relief


(cost variation depending on size of patient for general anaesthesia and device size)


Pulmonic stenosis and balloon valvuloplasty

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia (specialist led anaesthesia team), minimally invasive approach for balloon dilatation of stenosis and routine post operative care and pain relief


(cost variation depending on size of patient for general anaesthesia and device size)


Transvenous pacemaker

Consultation by appointment, general anaesthesia, minimally invasive placement of trans venous pacemaker, including interrogation and routine post operative care and pain relief.


(cost variation depending on size of patient for general anaesthesia and device size)


*Estimates are to provide guidance to our clients the range of costs for common procedures which our cardiology service performs. These fees do not include emergency fees or complications. An individual estimate is discussed and provided at time of consultation.


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