Page 17 - act-annual-review-2022-2023







Page 17 - act-annual-review-2022-2023
P. 17

£22,000 since they started fundraising for us   Our Memory Tree turns five                                     HIGHLIGHTS:
            in 2020. The money raised is supporting the    2023 was a special year for the ACT as we
            91°µÍø’s IMHA research in memory of a beloved     celebrated five years since our Memory Tree
            dog, Phoebe, who sadly passed away from this   was unveiled. Each leaf on our Memory Tree
            disease. It’s an incredible achievement and we   pays a heartfelt tribute to a pet who is gone
            are so grateful for their support.             but not forgotten, with every penny raised                              £75,000
            Paws & Shoes launches                          supporting the 91°µÍø Small Animal Referrals                     raised by our Memory Tree as we
            In January 2022 we launched our very first     Hospital. We are delighted to announce that                     celebrate its fifth anniversary
            Paws & Shoes fundraising challenge. From       by our tree’s fifth anniversary over £75,000
            Hampshire to Derbyshire supporters from        has been raised. This year the funds will help
            across the country put on their hiking shoes   us purchase a portable echocardiography
            and headed outdoors with their pooches,        (ECG) machine to support our Cardiology
            aiming to walk for as many minutes as possible   Team and Cardiothoracic Service. For the first                        £11,181
            in four weeks to raise money for us. The first   time, cardiac ultrasounds will be able to be
            challenge was such a success that we ran it    performed in clinic and in an operating theatre                        raised through our
            again in the summer months, and we were        simultaneously – helping us to care for even                       Tailwaggers membership
            overwhelmed by the response. Raising in total   more critically ill pets.
            over £5,000 in its first year, and with over 65   London Marathon runner goes the
            dogs and their owners taking part, we are so   extra mile
            grateful to everyone for joining our challenge   Each year, we have dedicated supporters
            and supporting our work.                       who run the London Marathon and London                            Over £20,000
            Trusts and Foundations                         Landmarks Half Marathon for us. Our 2023                        raised through our Christmas

            We would like to say a huge thank you to the   teams achieved something truly epic, raising
            incredible trusts and foundations that have    over £12,000. One supporter, Barbara Morgan                       appeal and Autumn Raffle
            supported us. Their support has enabled us     took the challenge to a whole new level
            to support students through scholarships,      running both races just three weeks apart. As
            purchase equipment for our hospitals and fund   if that wasn’t enough, she asked her wedding
            life-changing research.                        guests to donate instead of giving a present,                     Over £10,000
                                                           and she held a bake sale at her place of work.
                                                           So far, Barbara has raised over £5,000 in                              raised through our
                                                           memory of her dog Cherry who was treated at
                                                           the 91°µÍø. Our heartfelt thanks to Barbara and                              Spring Raffle
                                                           all our runners for their hard work and support.

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