Page 4 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021







Page 4 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021
P. 4


        Maria-Christine Fischer, Lecturer in Ophthalmology

             he new ophthalmic operating
             microscope Zeiss Lumera 700 was
        T purchased with an Animal Care
        Trust (ACT) grant and has provided a vast
        amount of benefits, not only to our patients,
        but also to research, veterinary education,
        and specialist training.
          The operating microscope provides us
        with an exceptional surgical experience as
        its technology offers a greater depth and
        width in the field of view and the Stereo
        Coaxial Illumination technology allows
        us to visualise every anatomic detail with
        perfect clarity. This is a big advantage for
        routine procedures contributing to shorter
        anaesthetic times and has proven to be
        especially helpful when performing lens
        removal surgery in small exotic eyes.
        Together with the new Alexos 3 Phaco
        system from An-Vision, also funded by
        the ACT, it is now possible to perform
        microincisional cataract surgery in even
        smaller exotic eyes.
          Another advantageous feature
        of Zeiss Lumera 700 is the video
        screening.  It has enabled an improved
        communication and interaction with the   Use of the operating microscope at 91°µÍø Equine
        team during microsurgical procedures. The
        anaesthetists are now able to visualise the   ring of light, we can visualise the corneal   phacoemulsification system from An-vision,
        surgery and the response of the patient   curvature in real time and it has proven a   which is also equipped for cataract removal
        the specific drugs required for ophthalmic   great help during corneal suture placement   in horses, has increased the range of
        procedures. This is giving the team useful   when performing cataract and corneal graft   ophthalmic microsurgical procedures we
        information on depth of anaesthesia,   surgery. By monitoring the uniformity of   can offer.
        analgesia, and effect and duration of   the corneal sutures placed intraoperatively
        neuromuscular blocking agents that keep   we can minimise postoperative corneal
        the globe in a central position for the   astigmatism and achieve better visual
        procedure.                          outcomes for our patients. A final year
          The nursing team can now anticipate   student, Monika Salkauskaite, has based
        the next move during the case and for   her clinical research project on this topic.
        example get the artificial intraocular lens   Under guidance of the ophthalmology
        or additional instruments ready. Further,   team she successfully developed a
        our ophthalmology theatre nurses    protocol for its intraoperative use and for
        can now apply their knowledge when   measurements that can objectively assess
        explaining surgical procedure to veterinary   changes in the corneal curvature. This will
        and nursing students, which has been   find application in future scientific projects
        very motivating for their professional   aiming to reduce visual deficits associated
        development. Being able to watch the   with corneal astigmatism.
        surgery live has enable everyone to get
        involved and to feel more ‘part of it’. This   Advancements in equine ophthalmic
        has led to a very enthusiastic and efficient   surgery
        collaboration of the team members and   The presence of the Zeiss Lumera 700   View through the operating microscope
        made challenging ophthalmic procedures   at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals
        something to look forward to. The video   (QMHA) allowed the former QMHA
        recording capacity enables the joint review   Zeiss microscope to be moved to the
        and analysis of the procedures with the   Equine Referral Hospital permanently     For small animal referrals, please call:
        team aiming to refine surgical techniques.  and facilitates immediate vision-saving   01707 666399
          Zeiss Lumera 700 is also equipped   intervention for our equine patients.     Email:
        with an integrated keratometer. With this   This microscope, together with the new

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