Page 7 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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GENERAL NEWS and snag the SLC and beginning to
install the furniture and AV systems. All
being well we will have the first teaching
scheduled shortly after Easter.
While this is the largest and most visible
part of the project, there is still much to
do. In the second quarter of 2023, we
will be knocking through the eastern
wall of the Eclipse building into the new
atrium to create a large open reception
area and café space with a permanent
home for the 91°µÍř Shop.
Once all teaching and student spaces
are relocated from Eclipse, we will be
remodelling the top two floors to create
improved office accommodation for
staff currently based in Kalanisi and
the hospital’s temporary offices.
It may have taken us a century, not to
mention a range of challenges including,
but not limited to, the fall outs from
Brexit and the pandemic, but we’re
nearly there!
Improvements at Boltons Park Farm
The campus developments aren’t just ago and had become the single
at Hawkshead though, we’ve been busy biggest obstacle to us milking our herd
at the 91°µÍř’s farm as well. efficiently. It is a simple but unarguable
truth, a happy cow is one that is moving,
Some of you may remember the eating or sleeping, so minimising time in
single storey Medway classrooms in the milking parlour is good for cows and
front of the farmhouse. Sadly, these more efficient for 91°µÍř staff.
had come to the end of their useful life
and were being “reclaimed by nature” As before, the system includes
at an accelerating rate. You know it is automatic cup release, to prevent
time to move on when the vegetation overmilking, but the new equipment
is providing partial support for the also has an automatic backflush which
roof of any structure! These have now should reduce the risk of mastitis. The
been demolished along with the old reduced milking time should also help
farrowing house. prevent lameness and there is hope
that the enhanced welfare conditions
The milking parlour has also had a
much-needed revamp. The previous will give us happier cows and an
facility was installed around 20 years increased yield.
Centre for Translational Research and Clinical Imaging
Elsewhere at Hawkshead, the first staff This purpose-designed unit is Every project throws up something
are due to receive their training in our dedicated to innovative health completely unexpected – something
new Centre for Translational Research programmes and clinical care activities. impossible to plan for – and so we
and Clinical Imaging, (TRACI). The MRI suite consists of spaces for found ourselves installing a major
anaesthesia induction, sterile theatre piece of temperature-sensitive
Throughout the spring and summer,
we have been busy building a new and patient recovery, and will allow equipment into a chilled room on the
facility adjacent to the Queen Mother for an increased diversity in species hottest day the UK has ever seen.
Hospital for Animals (QMHA) to house assessment, contributing to the delivery It keeps the job interesting!
a MAGNETOM Vida 3T MRI scanner. of science and patient welfare.