Page 19 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 19
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Cardiothoracic surgery case: Amber’s story
ast September Amber, team performed a mitral purse-string
a 10-year-old Yorkshire terrier annuloplasty with pledgeted CV5 Gore-
cross, came for evaluation Tex suture to bring the orifice where the
Lby the Cardiology Service valve sits back down to a normal size.
and myxomatous mitral valve disease Amber progressed very well after
was confirmed. The possibility of surgery and echocardiography
being a candidate for mitral valve confirmed that the repair was a success.
repair was discussed.
She was discharged from hospital on
Amber’s heart disease was stage November 6th. A month after surgery
C, meaning her heart was enlarged Amber came in for post mitral valve
secondary to her valvular disease repair evaluation. Her energy levels had
and that resulted in her developing returned and her appetite had improved.
congestive heart failure. Her valve Echocardiography confirmed that the
was severely affected and there was valve repair was stable, there was trivial
evidence of ruptured chords, which residual mitral valve regurgitation and
may have been responsible for a no signs of clots or thrombi. The echo
collapse weeks before. measurements confirmed that Amber’s
heart had returned to a normal size.
Amber returned to the 91 at the end
of October for mitral valve repair, under Amber was also examined at the 91
cardiopulmonary bypass. A left 5th for her three-month post mitral valve
intercostal thoracotomy was used to repair evaluation and this confirmed that
access the heart and a small approach the repair was stable and her heart was
to the left cervical region to isolate functioning normally. Amber was doing
the carotid artery for cannulation was extremely well, off all medications and
made. The mitral valve was accessed enjoying life to the full.
via a left atriotomy under conditions of
cardiopulmonary bypass.
Amber’s mitral valve was severely The summer issue of the 91’s
diseased with thickening to all valve Clinical Connections newsletter
edges, stretching of all chords and a includes an interview with Dan
small fissure in the parietal valve leaflet.
Brockman about developments in
Three artificial chords (Gore-Tex sutures) the Cardiothoracic Surgery Service.
were placed between the papillary In that article Professor Brockman
muscles and the edge of the septal valve explains why other elements of the
leaflets (CV 6), and two artificial chords team, in addition to the surgeons,
were placed in the P2 valve leaflet (CV are vital to deliver an exceptional
6). The fissure was closed with a single service to dogs and their owners. Amber with Dan Brockman
suture of 6-0 prolene. In addition, the