Page 26 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 26
91 Students’ Union President 2024-25
Ezrie Prideaux
t’s shaping up to be a big year for hope to lay out in the 91SU’s strategic eyes peeled for our new SU cow,
91SU. In August we welcomed our plan for 2025 and beyond. who arrived just in time to welcome
new Head of the Students’ Union, the new cohort of students.
ICallum Roberts, into post. Callum joins I’d also like to thank and acknowledge This year we welcomed students
the incredible work that was done by
us from the University of Buckingham the 2023-24 SU team, who achieved to the Camden Campus at our
Students’ Union and brings with him a so much, even with the absence of a ever-expanding Fresher’s Fair in
wealth of knowledge and experience.
General Manager. September. In Hawkshead, with
Having been re-elected as SU 2024 marks 10 years since the the building works on the Eclipse
President for 2024-25, I’m really inception of our beloved SU cow. and Student Learning Centre now
looking forward to working with Callum A lot has changed about student life complete, it will be nice to see students
to take the Students’ Union in a new since then, so we thought it was time use the space to its fullest potential.
and exciting direction, something which I
to give her a makeover too. Keep your As always, the 91 Students’
Union is here to support its
students. Whether this be by
providing resources to help
individuals or clubs thrive and
succeed, or by listening to student
feedback to champion student
voices. I’m looking forward to
working with the new 2024-25
team, who are already bursting
with ideas for the year ahead,
and with the 91 to provide a
celebrated student experience.
“ The 91 Students’
Union is here to
support its students.
By providing resources
to help individuals
or clubs thrive and
succeed, or by
listening to student
feedback to champion
student voices.”