Page 66 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 66
CPD is all about improving
my clinical skills, right? Not quite!
Jill Maddison, Professor of General Practice and Director of Professional Development
ost veterinarians and veterinary nurses engage with CPD to improve “This course is excellent value for
their clinical skills, knowledge and understanding be it through the money. It opens discussions about
medium of conferences, smaller face-to-face meetings, practical
Mcourses or via a range of online learning opportunities – synchronous many topics that are not spoken about
and asynchronous. In addition, an increasing number are using their CPD time nearly enough and gives practical tips
and budget to experience CPD beyond the clinical area – courses covering key that will make a big difference to life
professional skills that are essential for every veterinary regardless of experience. in veterinary practice.”
At the 91, our portfolio of professional skills courses continues to grow to meet Master how to thrive (not just survive)
this demand. Probably more so than for any other type of course, the learning in veterinary practice
experience of participants in these courses has a hugely positive impact not
just on themselves but their colleagues. The ripple effect is truly in operation.
Participant feedback is overwhelmingly positive as the
following comments show for the Webinar Plus courses:
“I learnt loads and feel inspired to
implement lots of this in my practice.”
“Something new, thinking outside Clinical governance - quality improvement
the clinical area about how bonds and fostering a supportive practice culture
interactions relationships can shape
the veterinary industry.”
Anthrozoology for veterinary professionals
“Leadership and management are areas the
vets often overlook in the pursuit of more
technical CPD and skills, myself included.
“I have been feeling ‘stuck’ in my career path Have gotten more from this than I could have
for a while now. Thanks to the space for
reflection provided by this course I have now imagined both in the context of work and life.”
overcome this, and I am looking for A coaching approach to line management
and leadership in the veterinary workplace
new opportunities. I feel I am better
equipped to approach VetGDP “It was interesting and informative.
mentoring now as well.” I have found it really encouraging
and it has made me keen to improve
Mentoring new graduates and
students for career satisfaction, my relationship with my colleagues “This course was engaging and felt quite
employability and retention and to assist with their learning.” informal - I found myself looking forward to
Supporting students in practice – reading the discussions and watching the
diving deeper into clinical coaching webinar each week!”
and mentoring
Journal club with critical appraisal of the
veterinary literature: Focus on small animal
practice and emergency medicine
“I felt like after every week of the sessions I went to work with a
different outlook with respect to communication. I have changed the
way my consults are now, mostly by listening to the clients. I have
changed the way I interact with my colleagues and have already
seen an improvement in situations that beforehand would been
awkward but are now not.”
Overcoming challenges to communication in practice