Emergency contact: 01707 666399
Advanced canine and feline cardiology diagnostic services

To ensure the optimum treatment plans for our canine and feline cardiac patients, we have a wide variety of veterinary cardiology diagnostic tools including:
Echocardiographic imaging:
- General Electric Vivid E9 with 4D imaging probe
- General Electric Vivid IQ
- Three EchoPAC workstations with mitral valve quantification software
- Adult and paediatric transoesophageal echo probes with 4D capabilities
Cardiac angiographic imaging
- Siemens Luminos Impulse fluoroscopy unit
- Siemens Arcadis Varic C-arm
- Bayer Medrad Mark 7 Arterion Injection system
Cardiac computer tomography (CT)
- Canon Aquilion Genesis edition 320 slice
Cardiac MRI
- Siemens Magnetom VIDA 3T
- Philips Intera Achieva 1.5T
Arrhythmia diagnostics:
- Up to seven-day Holter monitoring (ambulatory ECG) with in-house Holter monitor interrogation software
- Spacelabs Cardio Express SL12A 12-lead ECG
- ICU telemetry monitoring
Treatment and management cardiology services for cats and dogs
Pulmonic stenosis:
- Balloon valvuloplasty
- Pulmonic stent angioplasty
- Open heart surgery - surgical patch graft (on cardiopulmonary bypass)*
Patent ductus arteriosus:
- Non-invasive transarterial approach with Amplatzer Canine Ductal Occluder (ACDO)
- Non-invasive transvenous approach with Amplatzer Vascular Plug (AVP)
- Surgical ligation*
Transvenous and epicardial pacemaker implantation
Atrial septostomy for left atrial decompression in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease
Minimally invasive occlusion (often by Ampltzer vascular plug) of complex vascular anomalies
Electrical cardioversion of arrhythmias and in-house telemetry monitoring (ECG monitoring)
Management of acute congestive heart failure with dedicated ICU care and advanced patient monitoring
*These treatments are surgical and through collaboration with our heart surgery and soft tissue surgery services.
How we work with our vet cardiology patients and their owners
We understand that a diagnosis of heart disease in pets can be both a frightening and confusing time for many pet owners. Often owners have to make difficult decisions regarding their pet’s health and treatment options. As experienced cardiology specialists, we guide our clients through these challenging choices to help make the best possible decision for their pets’ quality of life. We always strive to provide individualised care for animals and are fortunate to be able to offer diagnostics and treatments that only a few centres can worldwide.
How we work with referring vets when handling cardiology cases
We are always happy to discuss cases with veterinary professionals and answer any enquiries you may have.