Page 11 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2024
P. 11
Research News
The English cocker spaniel (ECS) is one of Previous small studies had suggested Shar Pei were once bred for fighting and
the most popular dog breeds in the UK but that lop-eared rabbits and those with hunting in China, where the name means
information on disorder predisposition and brachycephalic skull conformations had ‘sandpaper skin’. However, since the 1970s,
protection is limited. significantly elevated risk of dental disease. more wrinkled and folded skin has become
91°µÍø VetCompass researchers sought However, new VetCompass epidemiological more popular with consumers who acquire
to remedy this by reporting predispositions research indicates that ear and skull shape this breed.
and protections for the ECS compared with are not the major drivers for the high rates of An underlying hereditary disease
all other dogs by analysing anonymised dental disease in companion rabbits. called hyaluronosis causes this extreme
veterinary clinical data on dogs under The study evaluated the frequency and appearance and is linked to several other
primary veterinary care. conformational risk factors for primary-care health problems, including in-turned eyelids
Random samples of health records were veterinary diagnosis of dental disease in (entropion) and ear disease.
reviewed for 2,510 from 10,313 (24.3%) rabbits. Anonymised VetCompass clinical
ECS and 7,813 from 326,552 (2.39%) non- records were manually reviewed to identify
ECS dogs. The most common disorders dental disease cases in companion rabbits
diagnosed during 2016 were extracted registered with UK practices. Risk factor
and compared using multivariable logistic analysis used multivariable binary logistic
regression. regression modelling.
Based on 161,979 rabbits under primary
veterinary care in 2019, the one-year
prevalence of overall dental disease was
15.36%. The prevalence of dental disease
affecting incisors was 3.14%, and for cheek
teeth was 13.72%.
Analysis of anonymised clinical records
collected by VetCompass revealed that Shar
Pei made up 0.4% of all dogs in the UK in
2013. The most common specific disorders
diagnosed were entropion (17.88%), ear
After accounting for confounding by age, infection (16.36%), ear problems (6.69%),
sex, bodyweight within breed-sex, insurance aggression (5.23%), and skin infection
status and veterinary practice, the ECS had (4.29%).
a higher probability (of 48.84% conditions Among the 30 most common disorders,
and lower risk of 25.58% conditions females were more likely to show in-turned
compared to all other dogs. Disorders with eyelids and conjunctivitis, while males were
the highest risk in English cocker spaniels Neither lop-eared conformation nor more likely to show aggression and infected
included ear discharge (14.66 times risk), brachycephalic skull conformation was paws. The most common disorder groups
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (7.64 times risk), significantly associated with increased were eye disorders (22.27%), skin (21.01%),
and musculoskeletal pain (7.06 times risk). risk of dental disease. The study found ear (18.66%), traumatic injury (7.53%), and
Disorders with the lowest risk included that dental disease risk increased as age behavioural (7.21%).
alopecia, atopic dermatitis and allergy in increased and decreased as bodyweight The average Shar Pei lifespan was found
general. increased. to be just 7.28 years, substantially below the
These findings can aid dog owners, The high overall prevalence of dental average 11.2 years for dogs overall. The
breeders, and veterinarians to better disease, regardless of conformation, most common causes of death were cancer
monitor health in ECS, and promote earlier represents a major welfare concern for all (15.44%), kidney disorders (13.24%) and
diagnosis with improved prognosis. companion rabbits. The authors concluded behavioural disorders (11.03%).
that the biggest risk factor for dental disease
in rabbits kept as pets may be how their
conformation and husbandry differs widely
to rabbits that live in the wild.
Research paper: Engdahl, K.S., Brodbelt, D.C., Research paper: Jackson, M.A., Burn, C.C., Research paper: O'Neill, D.G., Engdahl, K.S.,
Cameron, C., Church, D.B. and O'Neill, D.G. Hedley, J., Brodbelt, D.C. and O'Neill, D.G. Leach, A., Packer, R.M.A., Church, D.B. and
(2024) 'English Cocker Spaniels under primary (2024) 'Dental disease in companion rabbits under UK Brodbelt, D.C. (2023) 'Is it now time to iron out the
veterinary care in the UK: disorder predispositions and primary veterinary care: Frequency and risk factors', wrinkles? Health of Shar Pei dogs under primary
protections', Canine Medicine and Genetics Veterinary Record veterinary care in the UK', Canine Medicine and
Spring 2024 11