Page 6 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2024







Page 6 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2024
P. 6

         Transfusion medicine

        Karen Humm, Associate Professor in Transfusion Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care,
        Charlotte Russo, Head Transfusion Medicine RVN, and Amanda Boag, Vice Principal (Clinical

             he 91°µÍø Blood Donor Programme   and personality, but what all have in   understand how we can provide the best
             is vital to the everyday functioning   common is they are comfortable in the   service to them and also how we can use
        T of the Queen Mother Hospital      donor room and with us.             the blood they provide in the most effective
        for  Animals.  The blood products it   Donations  take  about  five  minutes   way.
        provides allow our specialist  clinical   for both dogs and cats. The dogs love   Consequently, we conduct research into
        teams to help hundreds of animals   all the fuss they get and cats enjoy the   many aspects of the blood donation and
        every year. The products are collected,   snacks and strokes.           blood  transfusion  process  to understand
        prepared  and  delivered  to  patients   The focus of the 91°µÍø Blood Donor   how we can improve. We publish the results
        via  the  Transfusion  Medicine  Service   Programme  is always to provide  the best   in journals so vets and vet nurses (and their
        (TMS).                              possible care to our amazing donors. We’ve   blood donors and patients) around the world
          The TMS was established in 2004 by   worked hard over these past 20 years to    can benefit from our findings.
        Amanda Boag (now Vice Principal for
        Clinical  Services)  and  Gillian  Gibson
        (now in private practice). At  that time              The first recorded feline blood
        transfusion medicine was in its infancy               donation, in August 2005, was
        in the UK and Europe. There were very                 for a cat requiring a transfusion
        few vets with expertise in this area                           that day.
        and the highly trained role of a blood
        donor  nurse had yet to be invented                    Six feline blood transfusions       The first recorded unsedated
        with passionate RVNs from a range of                   were performed in 2005 and          feline donation was performed
        different  backgrounds  running  blood                  there were five donor cats          by Robyn with a cat called
        donations when required.                                  registered. Most were            Ricochet. Ricochet went on to
          Now in  2024,  almost  every  service                staff-owned or housemates            do 14 unsedated donations
        at 91°µÍø Small  Animal Referrals uses                    of cats  requiring transfusion.           over four years.
        donated blood products, with the most
        frequent users being the Soft  Tissue
        Surgery Service, the Internal Medicine
        Service and the Critical Care Service.
        Some  of  our  advanced  treatments,       2004                                2008
        such as cardiothoracic surgery and
        plasmapheresis, could not run without
        the support of the TMS.
          Since 2004, our provision has
        built  year on year to help more and more
        patients. In 2023 we performed 479 canine                    2005                                2010
        blood product transfusions, 163 feline
        transfusions and 69 xenotransfusions.
          We can keep donated blood as whole
        blood but generally we split it into red
        blood cells, for anaemic patients, and
        plasma, which we use for dogs and      The first recorded TMS dog        Robyn Taylor became the first       The
        cats with low levels of clotting factors.      blood donation was in     nurse to run the programme          fundraising for the Blood Donor

        Plasma can also be useful in critically     September 2004 with the first   full-time. She developed the      Programme.
                                             recorded dog transfusion was
        ill  patients  to  support  their  circulatory   days later. He was a dog called   novel technique of using a   was a large blood bank freezer

                                                                                                                      for plasma products, which is
                                                                                  sterile tube welder to weld
        system.  In  addition,  our  blood  donor     Monty with precursor-targeted   empty sterile bags to the bag of
        nurses also make special products to      immune-mediated anaemia.      donated blood, creating smaller
        help  patients  with  inherited  diseases                                units without having to breach
        where they lack specific clotting       There were 36 blood             the unit and affect expiry dates.
        factors, such as haemophilia.          transfusions in 2004 and 19        This maximised the use of
          We currently have 150 active canine     canine donors were registered    products, enabling one
        donors and 62 felines. Our donors     by the end of the year. Most        donation to go to multiple
        vary hugely – in blood type, breed      donors were staff-owned.                 patients.

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