Page 39 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 39
Ten years of success
at the Animal Care Trust
rofessor Stephen May recently His legacy of commitment and advocacy Trust. Stephen is a tough act to follow
stood down as Chair of the will continue to have an impact on the and I am honoured to build on his shining
Animal Care Trust (ACT) after animals we care for, the students we legacy.” She added,
Pten years of highly-valued support, and the research we fund for
commitment to the 91’s charity. Under many years to come. “The ACT sits at the very
his Chairmanship, the ACT provided With Stephen stepping down, we heart of all that’s good
funding of over £3.2million to support were delighted to welcome Professor
91 clinical facilities and £3million Christianne Glossop OBE as our new about the 91, supporting
for pioneering veterinary research and Chair. Christianne is a proud 91 students as well as
world-leading education.
alumna who went on to become the first promoting animal health
Stephen has always been a devoted Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales and
advocate of the power and value of held the post for 17 years until stepping and welfare in so many
education, and as Chair of the ACT, he down in 2022. She was awarded an ways. It is an honour to
was a key proponent of the launch of the OBE in The Queen’s Birthday Honours
91’s scholarship programme and the for services to Animal Health and Welfare have become involved.”
ACT’s ongoing commitment to student and was instrumental in establishing
support and education. He has also been Wales’ first school of veterinary science
keen to ensure the 91 hospitals had at Aberystwyth University in partnership
the best possible facilities and equipment with the 91. Christianne commented,
to ensure delivery of the highest quality “The 91 means the world to me, and
animal care and support the development I am more than proud to support it as
of pioneering treatments for the animals Chair of its charity, the 91 Animal Care
needing our help.
Dr Christianne Glossop,
Chair of the Animal Care Trust