Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 46

From animation to animals:

              Tom Jenkins’ unique path to poultry medicine

                    om’s journey to veterinary    an experience that solidified his desire   helicopter just yet
                    medicine wasn’t straightforward.   to become a veterinarian. The summer   (he’s been issued
                    Growing up in Cardiff, his    school provided him with a deeper   a company car
              Tinitial dream was to become        understanding of the profession and   instead) Tom is
              an animator, a passion that drove him   the confidence that this was the path   thriving in his new
              through his early school years.     he wanted to pursue. And in 2019, Tom   role. In just a short
                                                  began his BVetMed course at the 91.  time, he has already
              As the years went by, Tom realised                                     prescribed medication
              that his love for art had waned,    It wasn’t until Tom participated in an   for over 150,000 animals, a feat that
              particularly during his GCSE art    AHEMS placement that he considered   few of his peers can claim!
              classes. Despite this shift, Tom noticed    his particular career path. During the
              a recurring theme in his sketches –    placement, a farmer jokingly suggested   Tom’s work takes him across the UK,
              he was always drawing animals.      that Tom should join the St David’s   conducting solo visits to farms and
              This, coupled with his natural aptitude    Poultry team, because of their company   integrating himself into the various
              for biology, began to steer his aspirations   helicopter. What began as a humorous   branches of the practice. Through
              in a new direction.                 comment sparked Tom’s curiosity,   these experiences, he is rapidly gaining
                                                  leading him to explore poultry medicine   knowledge and building relationships
              The turning point came in 2017 when
              Tom attended the “Night at the      more seriously.                    with farmers and colleagues alike.
              Vet College” event at the 91 in    In his fourth year, he secured a   Tom has also found that the role allows
              Camden. Here, he was captivated by a   placement with St David’s Poultry,   him the ability to manage his own diary,
              live dissection performed by Head of   where he found his true calling. The   the travel time between sites providing
              Anatomy, Andrew Crook. The image    experience confirmed his decision to   more time for check-in calls for clients
              of Crook skilfully dissecting a goat left   specialise in poultry, a field not many of   and colleagues, or simply listen to
              a lasting impression on Tom (as did his   his peers had considered.    podcasts, which in turn contribute to
              gold watch!). This experience ignited his   Now a graduate, Tom has not only   having a healthy work-life balance.
              interest in veterinary medicine, inspiring   entered the field of poultry veterinary   His journey from aspiring animator to
              him to explore this field further.
                                                  medicine but has also secured a position   poultry vet is a testament to the power of
              Following this, Tom attended the 91   at the very practice that piqued his   following one’s passions, even when they
              Sutton Trust Summer School in 2018,   interest. While he may not be flying in a   take you in unexpected directions.

                                                        Tom as a Student Ambassador during Open Farm Sunday.
                                                                   See page 32 to find out more about
                                                                    our Student Ambassador scheme.

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