Page 2 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022







Page 2 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022
P. 2

Inside                               Welcome to

        this issue                          Paws&Hooves

        Page 3
        Helping tiny pets have                      s Christmas once again races towards us, we have so
        surgery                               A     much to tell you and so much to celebrate. This Spring,
                                                    we set ourselves the challenge to fundraise for a new
        Page 4 - 5                          chemotherapy treatment room and you raised over £17,000!
        Meet Vinnie, our cover star!        With additional funding secured, our special treatment room
                                            now has the finance it needs. Along with generous donations,
                                            our campaign raised awareness of cancer treatment, dispelling
        Could your cat save lives?          myths and offering hope. THANK YOU to everyone who
                                            supported us and made this new space for the 91°µÍø’s oncology
        Page 6 - 7                          patients a reality.
        New hyperthermic treatment          Our Christmas raffle is back! It’s a fantastic way to support the
        for cancer in horses                incredible work of the 91°µÍø. This edition is packed with wonderful
                                            stories showing you just what is possible, with your help.

        2023 Equine Appeal                  In these tough economic times, we understand that every penny
                                            counts. We are eternally grateful for your dedication and support.
        Page 8                              Your donations are not only helping the 91°µÍø to treat critically ill pets
        My life as an equine vet            today, but vital research makes a difference well into the future.
                                            We’ve been reducing our impact on the environment over the last
        Page 9                              few years, communicating with you online, where possible, via our
        The first ACT scholar               new Paws & Hooves bitesize email and on social media. If you would
                                            like to receive the next issue of this newsletter in your inbox rather
        graduates                           than through your letterbox, please email

        Page 10 - 11                        However you choose to receive communications from us, we
                                            hope you enjoy reading stories from around the 91°µÍø and from our
        Fundraising inspiration             Fundraising Team.

        Back cover                          Thank you for your continued support.
        ACT funds important
        research                            Amy Billington
        Join our Tailwaggers!
                                            Fundraising Manager

        Follow us on social
        media for the latest
        news, stories and events:

                                               Your Impact
              @rvc_act                         Every raffle ticket purchased, every Christmas card you buy
                                               and every donation you make, contribute to the ACT’s mission
        Animal Care Trust                      to improve the treatment and care of animals through clinical
        91°µÍø               practice, education and research. Your donations enable us to:
        Hawkshead Lane
        North Mymms, Herts                     •   invest in hospital equipment and facilities
        AL9 7TA                                •   fund ground-breaking research into animal and human health
                                               •   support the education of the veterinarians, veterinary nurses                          and scientists of the future
        01707 666237                                      THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO
                                                       TO SUPPORT THE 91°µÍø ANIMAL CARE TRUST.
        Registered charity no: 281571
        2                                                                              Paws & Hooves Autumn 2022
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