Page 3 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022
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Paws&Hooves Helping tiny pets
have surgery
he 91’s Exotics Team has a new
T radiosurgical unit and surgical
loupes, thanks to your support.
This equipment has made life-saving
surgical procedures possible for
patients whose small size would previously
make treatment too risky.
Based at the 91 Beaumont Sainsbury Animal
Hospital in Camden, the Exotics Team cares for
a wide variety of animals, including small
mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and
ornamental fish. Surgical loupes (magnifying
lenses) enable surgeons to see tiny structures
and perform complex procedures quickly and
effectively. In a hamster, for example, an inner ear When Charlie, a 26-year-old parrot, needed an
canal can be just 1mm in diameter, so surgical amputation of his left foot, the new equipment
loupes are enormously helpful! was put to use. The ability to control the bleeding
without the need for large forceps and suture
91’s Dr Joanna Hedley, a Senior Lecturer material made surgery faster and more efficient.
in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine The surgeons could see Charlie’s delicate nerves
and Surgery, tells us: and blood vessels in much greater detail. Dr
Vicki Baldrey, a Lecturer in Exotic Species and
“The radiosurgery and surgical loupes Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery at the 91,
have proven invaluable in cases where explains,
it’s difficult to clearly visualise the “Speed is important with small patients
anatomy and blood supply, due to the as we don’t want to keep them under
patient’s small anaesthesia for a prolonged time.
size. They have Charlie’s prognosis is excellent,
allowed us to he’s made a good recovery and is
enhance patient coping well on one foot.”
safety in routine Thanks to this equipment, the team can
procedures perform more intricate procedures on the
such as tiniest of pets. Dr Hedley thanked ACT
supporters and added,
neuterings and
perform surgery “The equipment has made itself
which would indispensable and we wonder
previously have how we ever worked without it.
been too risky, It is wonderful to find ourselves
especially in our in a position where we are able
smaller patients, to contemplate curative surgical
some of which options rather than palliative care
are under 100g or euthanasia.”
in weight.”
Paws & Hooves Autumn 2022 3