Page 7 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022







Page 7 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022
P. 7


         Sylvia returned six months
         after treatment for the team to
         re-evaluate her condition and
         Michael was pleased with the

        “Upon close inspection,
         we could see that all the
         tumours had decreased
         in size and we were
         ready to proceed with
         surgery. The Thermofield
         device had made the

         tumours around her
         tail and bottom more
         discreet, making it easier
         to identify the cancerous
         tissue and surgical
         removal was much easier
         and safer.”

         Sylvia is now back at home
         and while she will need further
         surgery for other melanomas
         that have developed, Christine
         tells us,
        “She is in great
         spirits. She is such an             new procedure for this             “We are optimistic for the

         affectionate horse and              problem and I cannot                future. We would like to
         enjoys learning her                 thank the vets at the 91           take this opportunity to
         ‘circus tricks’ where I get         enough for the work they            thank the ACT supporters
         her to do different things          have done.”                         for funding this
         in the paddock. It was              91 Equine is impressed with        innovative new device.”
         great to be involved in a           the results of the treatment so
                                             far. Michael tells us,
        Equine Appeal 2023                                    Well YOU can be a part of this campaign! If you

                                                              would like to fundraise specifically for the equine
        Next year, we’ll be fundraising for a new
        equine CT scanner.                                                            CT scanner, please email
                                                                             and we will
        It will be the first of its kind                                              support you every step of
        in the UK, helping vets with                                                  the way. It’s an exciting
        early diagnosis, treatment, and                                               challenge and one which
        research. We hope it will be                                                  we hope will revolutionise
        a lifesaver for horses, helping                                               equine medicine for one
        to prevent the progression of                                                 of man’s most loyal
        possibly catastrophic injuries. It                                            companions.

        sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?

        Paws & Hooves Autumn 2022                                                                               7
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